Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「One」by Supercar

「One」by Supercar

Album: OOYeah!!
Translated By: Matt


JP 暗礁に10回迷走して短い十戒を誓う。
anshou ni juukai meisoushite mijukai jikkai wo chikau.
EN After losing my way 10 times in the reef, I make a short vow of 10 commandments.
JP アイロニー 8 : 本心 2 で誓う。
AIRONII hachi: honshin ni de chigau.
EN I vow with 8 parts irony and two parts sincerity.
JP 実感は、ない。
jikkan wa, nai.
EN I have no actual feeling.
JP それが真理だったんだ。信じられるなら信じりゃいい。
sore ga shinri dattan da. shinjirareru nara shinjirya ii.
EN That was the truth. If you can believe it, then you go ahead and do so.
JP 「感傷も実際、同情に近い。失敗は笑う。」
"kanjou mo jissai, doujou ni chikai. shippai wa warau."
EN "Sentiments are, in reality, close to compassion. Failure is something to laugh at"
JP アイロニー 1 : 本心 9 で笑う。
AIRONII ichi: honshin kyuu de warau.
EN I laugh with 1 part irony and 9 parts sincerity.
JP 反省は、しない。
hansei wa, shinai.
EN I'll have no remorse.
JP それが心理なんだから、信じたいんなら信じりゃいい。
sore ga shinri nan da kara, shinjitain nara shinjirya ii.
EN That will be my mentality, so if you want to believe it, then go ahead and do so.


アイロニー 8 : 本心 2 で誓う。



アイロニー 1 : 本心 9 で笑う。




anshou ni juukai meisoushite mijukai jikkai wo chikau.
AIRONII hachi: honshin ni de chigau.

jikkan wa, nai.

sore ga shinri dattan da. shinjirareru nara shinjirya ii.

"kanjou mo jissai, doujou ni chikai. shippai wa warau."
AIRONII ichi: honshin kyuu de warau.

hansei wa, shinai.

sore ga shinri nan da kara, shinjitain nara shinjirya ii.


After losing my way 10 times in the reef, I make a short vow of 10 commandments.
I vow with 8 parts irony and two parts sincerity.

I have no actual feeling.

That was the truth. If you can believe it, then you go ahead and do so.

"Sentiments are, in reality, close to compassion. Failure is something to laugh at"
I laugh with 1 part irony and 9 parts sincerity.

I'll have no remorse.

That will be my mentality, so if you want to believe it, then go ahead and do so.

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