Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Motorbike」by Supercar

「Motorbike」by Supercar

Album: OOYeah!!
Translated By: Matt


JP 「とりかえそう。」ってとび乗ったバイク。
"torikae sou" tte tobi notta BAIKU.
EN "I'm going back," he says as he hops on his bike.
JP 少年は何を見てしまった?
shounen wa nani wo mitte shimatta?
EN What has that young boy seen?
JP 見慣れた景色といつもの朝、もつれた空気とモーターバイク。
minareta keshiki to itssumo no asa, motsureta kuuki to MOOTAABAIKU
EN The familiar scenery every morning, tangled in the air of the motorbike.
JP 「もう嫌になっていたんだ。逃げ出したいくらい。」
"mou iya ni natteitanda. nigedashitai kurai."
EN "I've already become sick of this, to the point I want to escape."
JP みんなはそう思っていたんだ。はみだしたみたいに。
minna wa sou omotteitanda. hamidashita mitai ni.
EN Everyone thought this was the case. It looks like he was forced out of the group.
JP 「とにかくもう、戻る気はない。」
"tonikaku mou, modoru ki wa nai."
EN "At any rate I don't feel like going back."
JP 少年はどこへ行こうとした?
shounen wa doko e ikou to shita?
EN Where did the boy try to go?
JP 答えもゴールも彼にはない。もしあるというのなら、こうだった。
kotae mo GOORU mo kare ni wa nai. moshi aru to iu no nara, kou datta.
EN To him, there were no goals or solutions. If you say that there were, that was the case.
JP 『もう、イヤミなくらいの青春がしたい。
"mou, IYAMI na kurai no seishun ga shitai.
EN "I want to live a vulgar youth.
JP もう、イヤミでいっぱいの少年でいたい。』
mou, IYAMI de ippai no shounen de itai."
EN I want to hang out with the other boys."
JP ココロとりまく空虚はひどいもんさ。
KOKORO torimaku kuukyo wa hidoi mon sa.
EN It's an awful thing to surround your heart with a void.
JP 構うもんか、はしれ モーターバイク!!
kumau mon ka, hashire MOOTAABAIKU
EN It doesn't matter, escape on the motorbike!!
JP いつも見慣れた景色、口笛ふいた。
itsumo minareta keshiki, kuchibue fuita.
EN The familiar everyday scenery whistled away.
JP いつもの倍のビート。とび乗るバイク!!
itsumo no bai no BIITO. tobinoru BAIKU.
EN The everyday beat. Jump on the bike!!







構うもんか、はしれ モーターバイク!!


"torikae sou" tte tobi notta BAIKU.
shounen wa nani wo mitte shimatta?

minareta keshiki to itssumo no asa, motsureta kuuki to MOOTAABAIKU

"mou iya ni natteitanda. nigedashitai kurai."
minna wa sou omotteitanda. hamidashita mitai ni.

"tonikaku mou, modoru ki wa nai."
shounen wa doko e ikou to shita?
kotae mo GOORU mo kare ni wa nai. moshi aru to iu no nara, kou datta.

"mou, IYAMI na kurai no seishun ga shitai.
mou, IYAMI de ippai no shounen de itai."

KOKORO torimaku kuukyo wa hidoi mon sa.
kumau mon ka, hashire MOOTAABAIKU
itsumo minareta keshiki, kuchibue fuita.
itsumo no bai no BIITO. tobinoru BAIKU.


"I'm going back," he says as he hops on his bike.
What has that young boy seen?

The familiar scenery every morning, tangled in the air of the motorbike.

"I've already become sick of this, to the point I want to escape."
Everyone thought this was the case. It looks like he was forced out of the group.

"At any rate I don't feel like going back."
Where did the boy try to go?
To him, there were no goals or solutions. If you say that there were, that was the case.

"I want to live a vulgar youth.
I want to hang out with the other boys."

It's an awful thing to surround your heart with a void.
It doesn't matter, escape on the motorbike!!
The familiar everyday scenery whistled away.
The everyday beat. Jump on the bike!!

Song Comments

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  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    Thank you Matt, I really needed this translation. I wish I knew japanese. I want to sign up, but It seems unavailable right now (?)

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      • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

        I can't find the link, it used to be in the chatbox, but I can't see the chatbox either!


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