Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Jet Bee Town」by Supercar

「Jet Bee Town」by Supercar

Album: OOKeah!!
Translated By: Matt


JP マディソンヘぬける橋の途中 また童話の幻想に夢中
MADISON e nukeru hashi no tochuu mata douwa no gensou ni muchuu
EN On a bridge coming out of Madison, I'm still immersed in a dream-like fairy tale
JP 目指すほうで揺れるハチの群れに あの童話を手に取り
mezasu hou de yureru HACHI no mure ni ano douwa wo te ni tori
EN I head in that direction, amongst a swarm of swaying bees, I take a hold of this fairy tale
JP 聞く洋書はジェットビーの街 うわさ通りのジェットビータウン
kiku yousho wa JETTOBII no machi uwasa doori no JETTOBII TAUN
EN Listen to the story of the jet bee town, the famous jet bee town
JP マディソンヘぬける橋の途中 まだ童話の幻想に夢中
MADISON he nukeru hashi no tochuu mada douwa no gensou ni muchuu
EN On a bridge coming out of Madison, I'm still immersed in a dream-like fairy tale
JP 七通りのデッサンの途中 青いノートを手に取り
nana toori no DESSAN no tochuu aoi NOOTO wo te ni tori
EN In the middle 7 rough sketches, I draw in this blue notebook
JP 甘い密の誘うその方へ――
amai mitsu no sasou sono hou e--
EN Heading in the direction of where that sweet honey beckons--
JP 「もうどうにかなったって――。」
"mou dou ni ka nattatte"
EN "I'll all probably work out somehow--"
JP マディソンヘぬける橋の途中 まだ少女の幻想に夢中
MADISON e nukeru hashi no tochuu mada shoujo no gensou ni muchuu
EN On a bridge coming out of Madison, I'm still immersed in the fantasy of a young girl
JP 七通リのデッサンの途中 あの童話の定義どおり
nana toori no DESSAN no tochuu ano douwa no teigi doori
EN In the middle of 7 rough sketches, just as defined in that fairy tale
JP 甘い密の誘うその方ヘ――
amai mitsu no sasou sono hou e--
EN Heading in the direction of where that sweet honey beckons--
JP 「もうどうにかなったって――。」
"mou dou ni ka nattatte"
EN "I'll all probably work out somehow--"


マディソンヘぬける橋の途中 また童話の幻想に夢中
目指すほうで揺れるハチの群れに あの童話を手に取り
聞く洋書はジェットビーの街 うわさ通りのジェットビータウン

マディソンヘぬける橋の途中 まだ童話の幻想に夢中
七通りのデッサンの途中 青いノートを手に取り


マディソンヘぬける橋の途中 まだ少女の幻想に夢中
七通リのデッサンの途中 あの童話の定義どおり



MADISON e nukeru hashi no tochuu  mata douwa no gensou ni muchuu
mezasu hou de yureru HACHI no mure ni  ano douwa wo te ni tori
kiku yousho wa JETTOBII no machi  uwasa doori no JETTOBII TAUN

MADISON he nukeru hashi no tochuu  mada douwa no gensou ni muchuu
nana toori no DESSAN no tochuu  aoi NOOTO wo te ni tori
amai mitsu no sasou sono hou e--

"mou dou ni ka nattatte"

MADISON e nukeru hashi no tochuu  mada shoujo no gensou ni muchuu
nana toori no DESSAN no tochuu  ano douwa no teigi doori
amai mitsu no sasou sono hou e--

"mou dou ni ka nattatte"


On a bridge coming out of Madison, I'm still immersed in a dream-like fairy tale
I head in that direction, amongst a swarm of swaying bees, I take a hold of this fairy tale
Listen to the story of the jet bee town, the famous jet bee town

On a bridge coming out of Madison, I'm still immersed in a dream-like fairy tale
In the middle 7 rough sketches, I draw in this blue notebook
Heading in the direction of where that sweet honey beckons--

"I'll all probably work out somehow--"

On a bridge coming out of Madison, I'm still immersed in the fantasy of a young girl
In the middle of 7 rough sketches, just as defined in that fairy tale
Heading in the direction of where that sweet honey beckons--

"I'll all probably work out somehow--"

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