Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Desperado」by Supercar

「Desperado」by Supercar

Album: OOKeah!!
Translated By: Matt


JP スマイルズガーデン前の砂の城に住もうよ。
SUMAIRUZU GAADEN mae no suna no shiro ni sumou yo
EN Let's live in the sand castle in front of the Smiles Garden.
JP 狭いその窓をのぞいてみんなを見ようよ。
semai sono mado wo nozoite minna wo miyou yo
EN We'll see everyone if we dig out a small window.
JP 手を貸したり、手を返したり、声を枯らしたり、目をそらしたり------
te wo kashitari, te wo kaeshitari, koe wo karashitari, me wo sorashitari
EN Lending a hand, returning favors, voices running dry, looking at the sky-----
JP (それぞれが前を向いて、あてもなく愛をまいて。あせりでもがいてないで、ささやかな愛をまいて。)
(sorezore ga mae wo muite, ate mo naku ai wo maite. aseri demo ga ite nai de, sasayakana ai wo maite.)
EN (Each face forward, spread boundless love, don't struggle with impatience, spread modest love.)
JP それぞれが淡い想い抱いて花に名もない世界に立って
sorezore ga awai omoi daite hana ni na mo nai sekai ni tatte
EN Standing in this nameless world in a flower, embracing each other with fleeting affections,
JP あてもなく愛をまいたって花になるなんて平和じゃない?
ate mo naku ai wo maita tte hana ni naru nante heiwa ja nai
EN Isn't it peaceful to become a flower that spreads boundless love?
JP スマイルズガーデン前の砂の城に住もうよ。
SUMAIRUZU GAADEN mae no suna no shiro ni sumou yo
EN Let's live in the sand castle in front of the Smiles Garden.
JP 崩しては、はにかんで------みんなも笑うよ。
kuzushite wa, hanikan de ----- minna mo warau yo
EN We're too shy to tear it down ---- everyone smiles.
JP 手を貸したり、手を返したり、声を枯らしたり、目をそらしたり------
te wo kashitari, te wo kaeshitari, koe wo karashitari, me wo sorashitari
EN Lending a hand, returning favors, voices running dry, looking at the sky-----
JP (それぞれが前を向いて、あてもなく愛をまいて。あせりでもがいてないで、ささやかな愛をまいて。)
(sorezore ga mae wo muite, ate mo naku ai wo maite. aseri demo ga ite nai de, sasayakana ai wo maite.)
EN (Each face forward, spread boundless love, don't struggle with impatience, spread modest love.)
JP 飾り気のない想い抱いて花びらのない花になって
kazarike no nai omoi daite hanabira no nai hana ni natte
EN Embracing unaffected emotions, becoming a flower without petals,
JP あてもなく愛をまいたって花になるなんて平和じゃない?
ate mo naku ai wo maita tte hana ni naru nante heiwa ja nai?
EN Isn't it peaceful to become a flower that spreads boundless love?







SUMAIRUZU GAADEN mae no suna no shiro ni sumou yo
semai sono mado wo nozoite minna wo miyou yo
te wo kashitari, te wo kaeshitari, koe wo karashitari, me wo sorashitari
(sorezore ga mae wo muite, ate mo naku ai wo maite. aseri demo ga ite nai de, sasayakana ai wo maite.)

sorezore ga awai omoi daite hana ni na mo nai sekai ni tatte
ate mo naku ai wo maita tte hana ni naru nante heiwa ja nai

SUMAIRUZU GAADEN mae no suna no shiro ni sumou yo
kuzushite wa, hanikan de ----- minna mo warau yo
te wo kashitari, te wo kaeshitari, koe wo karashitari, me wo sorashitari
(sorezore ga mae wo muite, ate mo naku ai wo maite. aseri demo ga ite nai de, sasayakana ai wo maite.)

kazarike no nai omoi daite hanabira no nai hana ni natte
ate mo naku ai wo maita tte hana ni naru nante heiwa ja nai?


Let's live in the sand castle in front of the Smiles Garden.
We'll see everyone if we dig out a small window.
Lending a hand, returning favors, voices running dry, looking at the sky-----
(Each face forward, spread boundless love, don't struggle with impatience, spread modest love.)

Standing in this nameless world in a flower, embracing each other with fleeting affections,
Isn't it peaceful to become a flower that spreads boundless love?

Let's live in the sand castle in front of the Smiles Garden.
We're too shy to tear it down ---- everyone smiles.
Lending a hand, returning favors, voices running dry, looking at the sky-----
(Each face forward, spread boundless love, don't struggle with impatience, spread modest love.)

Embracing unaffected emotions, becoming a flower without petals,
Isn't it peaceful to become a flower that spreads boundless love?

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