Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Electric Sea」by Supercar

「Electric Sea」by Supercar

Album: Love Forever
Translated By: Matt


JP 夜景がそうさせたの?窓の外のせい?明ける空よりうかれていると、
yakei ga sou saseta no? mado no soto no sei? akeru sora yori ukareteiru to,
EN Did the night skyline do it? Because it is outside the window? When I am more festive than the dawn sky,
JP 理由なんてないんだろう、ない方がいい、って明ける空の方がみとれてるよ。
ryuu nante nain darou, nai hou ga ii, tte akeru sora no hou ga mitoreteru yo.
EN There's probably no reason behind it, it's better this way, I am fascinated by the dawn sky.
JP 不公平だった。不幸で染まったこの公園で拾った宝の地図でも真にうけてしまえたらもう平気だった。
fukouhei datta. fukou de somatta kono kouen de hirotta takara no chizu de mo shin ni ukete shimaetara mou heiki datta.
EN It was unfair. If I had only followed the treasure map I picked up in this park that's stained with misfortune, I would've been fine.
JP ネオンで育ったその少年のくわえたタバコがもう世間をけむりにまいていた。
NEON de sodatta sono shounen no kuwaeta TABAKO ga mou seken wo kemuri ni maiteita.
EN The cigarette hanging from the mouth of that boy raised in neon had already enveloped society in smoke.
JP 日にまぶしい エレクトリックシー
EN Radiant sunlight, electric sea
JP 余計なスタートなんてもうしない方がいい、って他の誰より身に染みると、
yokei na SUTAATO nante mo ushinai hou ga ii, tte hoka no dare yori mi ni shimiru to,
EN It's better to not start unnecessarily anymore, these words sink deeply in my mind more than anyone else,
JP 名誉なんていいんだろう。ない方がいい、って他の誰もが認めてるよ。
maiyo nante iin darou. nai hou ga ii, tte hoka no dare mo ga mitometeru yo.
EN Honor isn't necessary, right? Everyone else admits it's better this way.
JP 不公平だった。ネオンで染まったこの公園で育った。
fukouhei datta. NEON de somatta kono kouen de sodatta.
EN It was unfair. I was raised in this park stained with neon.
JP だからもういつでもやり直せていたからもう平気だった。
dakara mou itsu demo yarinaoseteita kara mou heiki datta.
EN I was able start over at any time, so I was fine.
JP 優等生だったその少年がくわえたタバコはもう世間をけむりにまいていた。
yuutousei datta sono shounen ga kuwaeta TABAKO wa mou seken wo kemuri ni maiteita.
EN The cigarette hanging from the mouth of that boy who was an honor student had already enveloped society in smoke.
JP 日にまぶしいエレクトリックシーで.....
hi ni mabushii EREKUTORIKKUSHII de...
EN Radiant sunlight, by the electric sea...




日にまぶしい エレクトリックシー





yakei ga sou saseta no? mado no soto no sei? akeru sora yori ukareteiru to,
ryuu nante nain darou, nai hou ga ii, tte akeru sora no hou ga mitoreteru yo.

fukouhei datta. fukou de somatta kono kouen de hirotta takara no chizu de mo shin ni ukete shimaetara mou heiki datta.
NEON de sodatta sono shounen no kuwaeta TABAKO ga mou seken wo kemuri ni maiteita.


yokei na SUTAATO nante mo ushinai hou ga ii, tte hoka no dare yori mi ni shimiru to,
maiyo nante iin darou. nai hou ga ii, tte hoka no dare mo ga mitometeru yo.

fukouhei datta. NEON de somatta kono kouen de sodatta.
dakara mou itsu demo yarinaoseteita kara mou heiki datta.
yuutousei datta sono shounen ga kuwaeta TABAKO wa mou seken wo kemuri ni maiteita.

hi ni mabushii EREKUTORIKKUSHII de...


Did the night skyline do it? Because it is outside the window? When I am more festive than the dawn sky,
There's probably no reason behind it, it's better this way, I am fascinated by the dawn sky.

It was unfair. If I had only followed the treasure map I picked up in this park that's stained with misfortune, I would've been fine.
The cigarette hanging from the mouth of that boy raised in neon had already enveloped society in smoke.

Radiant sunlight, electric sea

It's better to not start unnecessarily anymore, these words sink deeply in my mind more than anyone else,
Honor isn't necessary, right? Everyone else admits it's better this way.

It was unfair. I was raised in this park stained with neon.
I was able start over at any time, so I was fine.
The cigarette hanging from the mouth of that boy who was an honor student had already enveloped society in smoke.

Radiant sunlight, by the electric sea...

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