Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Scale」by Supercar

「Scale」by Supercar

Album: Last Scene
Translated By: Matt


JP チューニングを低い音に
CHUUNINGU wo hikui oto ni
EN Tune to low,
JP リズムを速いビートに
RIZUMU wo hayai BIITO ni
EN Speed up the rhythm,
JP スケール 会わそうと
SUKEERU awasou to
EN Fit the scale,
JP イメージ 会わそうと 会わそうと
IMEEJI awasou to awasou to
EN Fit the image, try to fit it,
JP 会わそうと 会わそうと 会わそうと 会わそうと
awasou to awasou to awasou to awasou to
EN Try to fit it, try to fit it, try to fit it, try to fit it,
JP 会わそうとして――――
awasou to shite
EN Try to fit it----
JP 話を古いひとに
hanashi wo furui hito ni
EN Talk to the old person,
JP 形をきついケースに
katachi wo kitsui KEESU ni
EN Shape tightly to each circumstance,
JP スケール会わそうと
SUKEERU awasou to
EN Fit the scale
JP イメージ 会わそうと 会わそうと
IMEEJI awasou to awasou to
EN Fit the image, try to fit it,
JP 会わそうと 会わそうと 会わそうと 会わそうと
awasou to awasou to awasou to awasou to
EN Try to fit it, try to fit it, try to fit it, try to fit it,
JP 会わそうとして――――
awasou to shite
EN Try to fit it----
JP 会わそうとして 会わそうとして 会わそうとして――――
awasou to shite awasou to shite awasou to shite
EN Try to fit it, try to fit it, try to fit it----


スケール 会わそうと
イメージ 会わそうと 会わそうと
会わそうと 会わそうと 会わそうと 会わそうと

イメージ 会わそうと 会わそうと
会わそうと 会わそうと 会わそうと 会わそうと
会わそうとして 会わそうとして 会わそうとして――――


CHUUNINGU wo hikui oto ni
RIZUMU wo hayai BIITO ni
SUKEERU awasou to
IMEEJI awasou to awasou to
awasou to awasou to awasou to awasou to
awasou to shite

hanashi wo furui hito ni
katachi wo kitsui KEESU ni
SUKEERU awasou to
IMEEJI awasou to awasou to
awasou to awasou to awasou to awasou to
awasou to shite
awasou to shite awasou to shite awasou to shite


Tune to low,
Speed up the rhythm,
Fit the scale,
Fit the image, try to fit it,
Try to fit it, try to fit it, try to fit it, try to fit it,
Try to fit it----

Talk to the old person,
Shape tightly to each circumstance,
Fit the scale
Fit the image, try to fit it,
Try to fit it, try to fit it, try to fit it, try to fit it,
Try to fit it----
Try to fit it, try to fit it, try to fit it----

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