Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Talk Talk」by Supercar

「Talk Talk」by Supercar

Album: Jump Up
Translated By: Matt


JP 前へ前へとカジをとるのは
mae e mae e to KAJI wo toru no wa
EN Steering forwards, forwards,
JP 前の見えない怖さ、弱さをわかるからなのに、
mae no mienai kowasa, yowasa wo wakaru kara na noni,
EN Fearful of not looking ahead, despite knowing this weakness,
JP どのくらい待つというの?
dono kurai matsu to iu no?
EN How long do I intend to wait?
JP 待ってくれるより待つほうがいい?
matte kureru yori matsu hou ga ii?
EN Is it better to wait than be waited for?
JP 損な方を考えてみなよ。
sonna hou wo kangaete mina yo.
EN I try to not think about it.
JP 前へ前へと進む僕には
mae e mae e to susumu boku ni wa
EN As I advance forwards, forwards,
JP 後を振り向く勇気も余裕もありもしないのに、
ato wo furimuku yuuki mo yoyuu mo ar mo shinai noni,
EN Even though I don't have the courage or composure to look back,
JP どのくらい待つというの?
dono kurai matsu to iu no?
EN How long do I intend to wait?
JP 待ってくれるより待つほうがいい?
matte kureru yori matsu hou ga ii?
EN Is it better to wait than be waited for?
JP 損な方をわかって、そのくらい待つというの?
sonna hou wo wakatte, sono kurai matsu to iu no?
EN Knowing this, do I intend to wait that long?
JP 待って暮れるような毎日とまだ暗い明日に立って前を照らすのは、
matte kureru you na mainichi to mada kurai ashita ni tatte mae wo terasu no wa,
EN When I shine a light forwards while standing in the wake of another dark tomorrow, after spending every day just waiting,
JP 待つほうがいい?
matsu hou ga ii?
EN Was it best to wait?
JP 損な方を考えてみなよ。
sonna hou wo kangaete mina yo.
EN I try to not think about it.







mae e mae e to KAJI wo toru no wa
mae no mienai kowasa, yowasa wo wakaru kara na noni,

dono kurai matsu to iu no?
matte kureru yori matsu hou ga ii?
sonna hou wo kangaete mina yo.

mae e mae e to susumu boku ni wa
ato wo furimuku yuuki mo yoyuu mo ar mo shinai noni,

dono kurai matsu to iu no?
matte kureru yori matsu hou ga ii?
sonna hou wo wakatte, sono kurai matsu to iu no?
matte kureru you na mainichi to mada kurai ashita ni tatte mae wo terasu no wa,
matsu hou ga ii?
sonna hou wo kangaete mina yo.


Steering forwards, forwards,
Fearful of not looking ahead, despite knowing this weakness,

How long do I intend to wait?
Is it better to wait than be waited for?
I try to not think about it.

As I advance forwards, forwards,
Even though I don't have the courage or composure to look back,

How long do I intend to wait?
Is it better to wait than be waited for?
Knowing this, do I intend to wait that long?
When I shine a light forwards while standing in the wake of another dark tomorrow, after spending every day just waiting,
Was it best to wait?
I try to not think about it.

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