Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Skyphone Speaker」by Supercar

「Skyphone Speaker」by Supercar

Album: Jump Up
Translated By: Matt


JP 光の波が視界をはねるハイウェイ
hikari no nami ga shikai wo haneru HAIWEI
EN A highway where a wave of light hits my field of vision
JP 時代の闇で芝居をしている... I.O.Y.A...
jidai no yami de shibai wo shiteiru... I.O.Y.A...
EN I'm acting a drama in an age of darkness... I.O.Y.A...
JP 終わらない今と 使えないワナ 灰のハイウェイ
owaranai ima to tsukaenai WANA hai no HAIWEI
EN The unending present and a highway of ash with unusable traps
JP スカイフォンスピーカー 応えて欲しいんだ。I.O.Y.A...
SUKAIFONSUPIIKAA kotaete hoshiin da. I.O.Y.A...
EN I want to answer the call of the skyphone speaker. I.O.Y.A...
JP 惰性にのっかって、正義なんだって自由を目指すレース
dasei ni nokkatte, seigi nan da tte jiyuu wo mezasu REISU
EN Building up intertia, a race aiming for the freedom called justice
JP 自由を目指せ、Yeah!
jiyuu wo mezase, yeah!
EN Aim for freedom, yeah!
JP 光の波が視界をはねるハイウェイ
hikari no nami ga shikai wo haneru HAIWEI
EN A highway where a wave of light hits my field of vision
JP 時代の闇を照らしてみせる。Y.O.I.A...
jidai no yami wo terashite miseru. Y.O.I.A...
EN It shines and reveals the age of darkness. Y.O.I.A...
JP 変われない今を見返してみせる。Y.O.I.A...
kawarenai ima wo mikaeshite miseru. Y.O.I.A...
EN I look back at the unchanging present. Y.O.I.A...
JP スカイフォンスピーカー 伝えて欲しいんだ、芝居の終わりを。
SUKAIFONSUPIIKAA tsutaete hoshiin da, shibai no owari wo.
EN I want to communicate with the skyphone speaker, the end of the drama.
JP 惰性にのっかって、正義なんだって理性を乱すレース
dasei ni nokkatte, seigi nan datte risei wo midasu REISU
EN Building up intertia, a race aiming to disturb reason
JP 理性を乱せ、Yeah!
risei wo midase, yeah!
EN Throw reason out of order, yeah!
JP 単純な優等生のまま永久に優等生でいたいんだ?
tanjun na yuutousei no mama eikyuu ni yuutousei de itain da?
EN You're a simple honors student, do you plan to be an honors student forever?
JP 選ぶよりも選ばれろよ。
erabu yori mo erabarero yo.
EN It's better to be chosen than to choose.
JP 単純な優等生のまま永久に優等生でいたい?
tanjun na yuutousei no mama eikyuu ni yuutousei de tai?
EN You're a simple honors student, do you plan to be an honors student forever?
JP 練習の練習でこのまま永久に優等生でいたいんだ?
renshuu no renshuu de kono mama eikyuu ni yuutousei de itain da?
EN You practice and practice, at this rate, do you plan to be an honors student forever?
JP 選ぶよりも選ばれろよ。
erabu yori mo erabarero yo.
EN It's better to be chosen than to choose.


時代の闇で芝居をしている... I.O.Y.A...
終わらない今と 使えないワナ 灰のハイウェイ
スカイフォンスピーカー 応えて欲しいんだ。I.O.Y.A...


スカイフォンスピーカー 伝えて欲しいんだ、芝居の終わりを。







hikari no nami ga shikai wo haneru HAIWEI
jidai no yami de shibai wo shiteiru... I.O.Y.A...
owaranai ima to tsukaenai WANA hai no HAIWEI
SUKAIFONSUPIIKAA kotaete hoshiin da. I.O.Y.A...

dasei ni nokkatte, seigi nan da tte jiyuu wo mezasu REISU
jiyuu wo mezase, yeah!

hikari no nami ga shikai wo haneru HAIWEI
jidai no yami wo terashite miseru. Y.O.I.A...
kawarenai ima wo mikaeshite miseru. Y.O.I.A...
SUKAIFONSUPIIKAA tsutaete hoshiin da, shibai no owari wo.

dasei ni nokkatte, seigi nan datte risei wo midasu REISU
risei wo midase, yeah!

tanjun na yuutousei no mama eikyuu ni yuutousei de itain da?

erabu yori mo erabarero yo.

tanjun na yuutousei no mama eikyuu ni yuutousei de tai?
renshuu no renshuu de kono mama eikyuu ni yuutousei de itain da?

erabu yori mo erabarero yo.


A highway where a wave of light hits my field of vision
I'm acting a drama in an age of darkness... I.O.Y.A...
The unending present and a highway of ash with unusable traps
I want to answer the call of the skyphone speaker. I.O.Y.A...

Building up intertia, a race aiming for the freedom called justice
Aim for freedom, yeah!

A highway where a wave of light hits my field of vision
It shines and reveals the age of darkness. Y.O.I.A...
I look back at the unchanging present. Y.O.I.A...
I want to communicate with the skyphone speaker, the end of the drama.

Building up intertia, a race aiming to disturb reason
Throw reason out of order, yeah!

You're a simple honors student, do you plan to be an honors student forever?

It's better to be chosen than to choose.

You're a simple honors student, do you plan to be an honors student forever?
You practice and practice, at this rate, do you plan to be an honors student forever?

It's better to be chosen than to choose.

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