Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Low-down (Live Scene)」by Supercar

「Low-down (Live Scene)」by Supercar

Album: Jump Up
Translated By: Matt


JP さぁ、行こうよ、そうぞうしいこの世間そういうところのは
saa, ikou yo, souzoushii kono seken souiu tokoro no wa
EN Come, let's go, it's this sort of restless society
JP 最高って表情に嫌な予感そういう意味なら、選ぶ理想はレッスン通り。
saikou tte hiyoujyou ni iya na yokan souiu imi nara, erabu risou wa RESSUN doori.
EN Where if exclaiming your "best" makes you uncomfortable, you choose the ideals that were taught to you
JP 絵になりそうなハッピータイム。さぁ、理想のショウタイムは
e ni narisou na HAPIITAIMU. saa, risou no SHOUTAIMU wa
EN A happy time where you seem to become a picture. Come on, this ideal showtime,
JP 「みんな Come On Now Yeah!! ハッピーかい?」
"minna come on now yeah!! HAPPI- kai?"
EN "Everyone come on now yeah!! Are you happy?""
JP ライヴシーン / ワンマンショウを始めようか?
RAIBU SHIIN / WANMANSHOU wo hajimeyouka?
EN Live scene / Shall we start this one-man show?
JP ライヴシーン / 「不安?」そういう君の方が
RAIBU SHIIN / "fuan?" sou iu kimi no hou ga
EN Live scene / When you feel "Anxious?" in this way,
JP ライヴシーン / 普段どおりイイ意味なら
RAIBU SHIIN / fudan doori II imi nara
EN Live scene / It means you're OK if everything goes as planned
JP ライヴシーン / 「言えない。」そういうことなのさ。
RAIBU SHIIN / "ienai." sou iu koto na no sa.
EN Live scene / It becomes a matter of "I can't say."
JP さぁ、理想の正体は?なら「不満」そういう平均のは?
saa, risou no shoudai wa? nara "fuman" souiu heikin no wa?
EN So, what's the true nature of the ideal? If it's "discontent", how about a balance?
JP はるか辺の頂上はまだ普段どおりいい意味なら―
haruka be no choujou wa mada fudan doori ii imi nara-
EN Then it's good that the mountain summit is still far off in the distance-
JP 2002年にウィリーはあと5年だって言われていた。
2002 nen ni UIRII wa ato go nen datte iwareteita
EN In 2002 Willy said he had 5 years left.
JP 2005年にウェンディーともうゴメンだって逃げ出した。
2005 nen ni UINDII to mou GOMEN datte niggedashita.
EN In 2005 he and Wendy said "I'm done" and ran away.
JP 今じゃ、トリップ・トラップの海の裏を行けば
ima ja, TORIPPU TORAPPU no umi no ura wo ikeba
EN Now, if we go to the other side of the "Trip Trap" sea,
JP 道理・定理のみの部屋の和の逃げる用意よりも早く平和の和を――。
douri tei aya nomi no heya no wa no nigeru youi yori mo hayaku heiwa no wa wo--.
EN Rather than preparing to escape the peace of living in a room built on logic and theorem, quickly embrace peace and harmony--
JP 「そう言うなってとおりだった。」って?なら譜面上じゃハッピータイム。
"sou iu na tte toori datta." tte? nara fumanjou ja HAPPIITAIMU.
EN "I was told not to say that", you say? Then, on the music cue, it's happy time.
JP ライヴシーン / ワンマンショウを始めようか?
RAIBU SHIIN / WANMANSHOU wo hajimeyouka?
EN Live scene / Shall we start this one-man show?
JP ライヴシーン / 「不安?」そういう君の方が
RAIBU SHIIN / "fuan?" sou iu kimi no hou ga
EN Live scene / When you feel "Anxious?" in this way,
JP ライヴシーン / 普段どおりイイ意味なら
RAIBU SHIIN / fudan doori II imi nara
EN Live scene / It means you're OK if everything goes as planned
JP ライヴシーン / 「言えない。」そういうことなのさ。
RAIBU SHIIN / "ienai." sou iu koto na no sa.
EN Live scene / It becomes a matter of "I can't say."
JP ライヴシーン / ワンマンショウを始めようか?
RAIBU SHIIN / WANMANSHOU wo hajimeyouka?
EN Live scene / Shall we start this one-man show?
JP ライヴシーン / 「Come On Now Yeah!! ハッピーかい?」
RAIBU SHIIN / "Come On Now Yeah!! HAPPII kai?"
EN Live scene / "Come on now yeah!! Are you happy?"
JP ライヴシーン / ワンマンショウを始めようか?
RAIBU SHIIN / WANMANSHOU wo hajimeyouka?
EN Live scene / Shall we start this one-man show?
JP ライヴシーン / 「Come On Now Yeah!! ハッピーかい?」
RAIBU SHIIN / "Come On Now Yeah!! HAPPII kai?"
EN Live scene / "Come on now yeah!! Are you happy?"


「みんな Come On Now Yeah!! ハッピーかい?」

ライヴシーン / ワンマンショウを始めようか?
ライヴシーン / 「不安?」そういう君の方が
ライヴシーン / 普段どおりイイ意味なら
ライヴシーン / 「言えない。」そういうことなのさ。




ライヴシーン / ワンマンショウを始めようか?
ライヴシーン / 「不安?」そういう君の方が
ライヴシーン / 普段どおりイイ意味なら
ライヴシーン / 「言えない。」そういうことなのさ。

ライヴシーン / ワンマンショウを始めようか?
ライヴシーン / 「Come On Now Yeah!! ハッピーかい?」
ライヴシーン / ワンマンショウを始めようか?
ライヴシーン / 「Come On Now Yeah!! ハッピーかい?」


saa, ikou yo, souzoushii kono seken souiu tokoro no wa
saikou tte hiyoujyou ni iya na yokan souiu imi nara, erabu risou wa RESSUN doori.
e ni narisou na HAPIITAIMU. saa, risou no SHOUTAIMU wa
"minna come on now yeah!! HAPPI- kai?"

RAIBU SHIIN / WANMANSHOU wo hajimeyouka?
RAIBU SHIIN / "fuan?" sou iu kimi no hou ga
RAIBU SHIIN / fudan doori II imi nara
RAIBU SHIIN / "ienai." sou iu koto na no sa.

saa, risou no shoudai wa? nara "fuman" souiu heikin no wa?
haruka be no choujou wa mada fudan doori ii imi nara-

2002 nen ni UIRII wa ato go nen datte iwareteita
2005 nen ni UINDII to mou GOMEN datte niggedashita.
ima ja, TORIPPU TORAPPU no umi no ura wo ikeba
douri tei aya nomi no heya no wa no nigeru youi yori mo hayaku heiwa no wa wo--.

"sou iu na tte toori datta." tte? nara fumanjou ja HAPPIITAIMU.

RAIBU SHIIN / WANMANSHOU wo hajimeyouka?
RAIBU SHIIN / "fuan?" sou iu kimi no hou ga
RAIBU SHIIN / fudan doori II imi nara
RAIBU SHIIN / "ienai." sou iu koto na no sa.

RAIBU SHIIN / WANMANSHOU wo hajimeyouka?
RAIBU SHIIN / "Come On Now Yeah!! HAPPII kai?"
RAIBU SHIIN / WANMANSHOU wo hajimeyouka?
RAIBU SHIIN / "Come On Now Yeah!! HAPPII kai?"


Come, let's go, it's this sort of restless society 
Where if exclaiming your "best" makes you uncomfortable, you choose the ideals that were taught to you
A happy time where you seem to become a picture. Come on, this ideal showtime,
"Everyone come on now yeah!! Are you happy?""

Live scene / Shall we start this one-man show?
Live scene / When you feel "Anxious?" in this way,
Live scene / It means you're OK if everything goes as planned
Live scene / It becomes a matter of "I can't say." 

So, what's the true nature of the ideal? If it's "discontent", how about a balance?
Then it's good that the mountain summit is still far off in the distance-

In 2002 Willy said he had 5 years left.
In 2005 he and Wendy said "I'm done" and ran away.
Now, if we go to the other side of the "Trip Trap" sea,
Rather than preparing to escape the peace of living in a room built on logic and theorem, quickly embrace peace and harmony--

"I was told not to say that", you say? Then, on the music cue, it's happy time.

Live scene / Shall we start this one-man show?
Live scene / When you feel "Anxious?" in this way,
Live scene / It means you're OK if everything goes as planned
Live scene / It becomes a matter of "I can't say." 

Live scene / Shall we start this one-man show?
Live scene / "Come on now yeah!! Are you happy?"
Live scene / Shall we start this one-man show?
Live scene / "Come on now yeah!! Are you happy?"

Song Comments

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  • Has it really been 10 years since I translated any song for this site? I hope those timestamps are a coding mistake 😰.


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