Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Karma」by Supercar

「Karma」by Supercar

Album: Futurama
Translated By: Matt


JP ムダはまだムダのまま、夢のような日の夢
muda wa mada muda no mama, yume no you na hi no yume
EN Futility is still the same as it was, a dream of a dream-like day
JP 有利で優位なやましさで影がブレる
yuuri de yuui na yamashi sa de kage ga bure ru
EN My reflection blurs from my exploiting and stuck-up guilty conscience
JP 道をただ道なりになぞるようなフィーリングで
michi wo tada michi nari ni nazoru you na FIIRINGU de
EN With a feeling like tracing in a path that becomes another path
JP 夕べの夕陽の眩しさのわけも言えないまま
yuube no yuuhi no mabushi sa no wake mo ie nai mama
EN I remain speechless even at the conclusion of the dazzling evening setting sun
JP やさしさにいい加減でいて
yasashi sa ni ii kagen de ite
EN I am half-hearted in my kindness
JP くやしさにいい加減でいて
kuyashi sa ni ii kagen de ite
EN I am half-hearted in my regretfulness
JP むなしさにいい加減でいて
munashi sa ni ii kagen de ite
EN I am half-hearted in my emptiness
JP 俺はこう言い続けるんだ
ore wa kou ii tsudukerun da
EN I continue to speak in this way,
JP 「何をどうも出来なくたって胸に愛とあつい思いを」
nani wo doumo deki naku tatte mune ni ai to atsui omoi wo
EN "These affections and burning feelings remain in my chest even if I'm unable to express my thanks for anything"
JP 君にそう言い続けるんだ
kimi ni sou ii tsudukerun da
EN I continue to say so to you
JP 俺はそう、いい加減なんだ
ore wa sou, ii kagen nan da
EN I am so, very half-hearted
JP 歌がただ歌のまま耳のふもとで揺れる
uta ga tada uta no mama mimi no fumoto de yureru
EN The song just continues to vibrate at the base of my ear
JP 夕べの夕陽の眩しさのわけも言えないまま――
yuube no yuuhi no mabushi sa no wake mo ie nai mama
EN I remain speechless even at the conclusion of the dazzling evening setting sun--
JP うれしさにいい加減でいて
ureshi sa ni ii kagen de ite
EN I am half-hearted in my happiness
JP かなしさにいい加減でいて
kanashi sa ni ii kagen de ite
EN I am half-hearted in my sadness
JP さみしさにいい加減でいて
samishi sa ni ii kagen de ite
EN I am half-hearted in my loneliness
JP 俺はこう言い続けるんだ
ore wa kou ii tsudukerun da
EN I continue to speak in this way,
JP 「何をどうも出来なくたって胸に愛とあつい思いを」
nani wo doumo deki naku tatte mune ni ai to atsui omoi wo
EN "These affections and burning feelings remain in my chest even if I'm unable to thank you for anything"
JP 君にそう言い続けるんだ
kimi ni sou ii tsudukerun da
EN I continue to say so to you
JP 俺はそう、いい加減なんだ
ore wa sou, ii kagen nan da
EN I am so, very half-hearted








muda wa mada muda no mama, yume no you na hi no yume
yuuri de yuui na yamashi sa de kage ga bure ru

michi wo tada michi nari ni nazoru you na FIIRINGU de
yuube no yuuhi no mabushi sa no wake mo ie nai mama

yasashi sa ni ii kagen de ite
kuyashi sa ni ii kagen de ite
munashi sa ni ii kagen de ite
ore wa kou ii tsudukerun da
nani wo doumo deki naku tatte mune ni ai to atsui omoi wo
kimi ni sou ii tsudukerun da
ore wa sou, ii kagen nan da

uta ga tada uta no mama mimi no fumoto de yureru
yuube no yuuhi no mabushi sa no wake mo ie nai mama

ureshi sa ni ii kagen de ite
kanashi sa ni ii kagen de ite
samishi sa ni ii kagen de ite
ore wa kou ii tsudukerun da
nani wo doumo deki naku tatte mune ni ai to atsui omoi wo
kimi ni sou ii tsudukerun da
ore wa sou, ii kagen nan da


Futility is still the same as it was, a dream of a dream-like day
My reflection blurs from my exploiting and stuck-up guilty conscience

With a feeling like tracing in a path that becomes another path
I remain speechless even at the conclusion of the dazzling evening setting sun

I am half-hearted in my kindness
I am half-hearted in my regretfulness
I am half-hearted in my emptiness
I continue to speak in this way,
"These affections and burning feelings remain in my chest even if I'm unable to express my thanks for anything"
I continue to say so to you
I am so, very half-hearted

The song just continues to vibrate at the base of my ear
I remain speechless even at the conclusion of the dazzling evening setting sun--

I am half-hearted in my happiness
I am half-hearted in my sadness
I am half-hearted in my loneliness
I continue to speak in this way,
"These affections and burning feelings remain in my chest even if I'm unable to thank you for anything"
I continue to say so to you
I am so, very half-hearted

Song Comments

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  • Last Live Karma Extended. One of my all time favorite songs. The translation gives it the life long searching definition it needs. Google translate just doesn't cut it haha. Many thanks.


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