Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「I'm Nothing」by Supercar

「I'm Nothing」by Supercar

Album: Futurama
Translated By: Matt


JP 憂い寄りの風を誘って夜を酔わそうとして――
ui yori no kaze wo sasotte yoru wo yowa sou to shite--
EN Luring in the breeze that carries grief, I try to intoxicate the night--
JP 古い夜のあてをたどっていく
furui yoru no ate wo tadotte iku
EN I follow the old night to its end
JP 余韻も酔いに溶けてストップ
yoin mo yoi ni tokete SUTOPPU
EN The lingering memory melts into the intoxication and stops
JP 永遠の遊泳はストップ
eien no yuuei wa SUTOPPU
EN The eternal drifting stops
JP イメージ変わるまでを無でいた
IMEEJI kawaru made wo mu de ita
EN I'm nothing until I change my image
JP ため息枯れるまでを無でいた
tame iki kareru made wo mu de ita
EN I'm nothing until my sighs run dry
JP イメージそらしながら嬉いで染まるまで――
IMEEJI sorashi nagara ureshii de somaru made--
EN While avoiding my image, until I'm stained with joy--








ui yori no kaze wo sasotte yoru wo yowa sou to shite--
furui yoru no ate wo tadotte iku

yoin mo yoi ni tokete SUTOPPU

eien no yuuei wa SUTOPPU

IMEEJI kawaru made wo mu de ita
tame iki kareru made wo mu de ita

IMEEJI sorashi nagara ureshii de somaru made--


Luring in the breeze that carries grief, I try to intoxicate the night--
I follow the old night to its end

The lingering memory melts into the intoxication and stops

The eternal drifting stops

I'm nothing until I change my image
I'm nothing until my sighs run dry

While avoiding my image, until I'm stained with joy--

Translator's Notes

"を無でいた" sounds to be spoken in English instead as "I'm nothing today".

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