Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Fairway」by Supercar

「Fairway」by Supercar

Album: Futurama
Translated By: Matt


JP 安心を買った
anshin wo katta
EN I bought peace of mind
JP どうしてかココロを売って買った気がしてたら
doushite ka kokoro wo utte katta ki ga shi te tara
EN It felt like I somehow sold my heart and bought it back
JP “安心はどうか退屈と似てた”
"anshin wa dou ka taikutsu to nite ta"
EN "Peace of mind resembled boredom somehow"
JP そんななぜに撃たれていた
sonna naze ni uta rete ita
EN For some reason that hit me hard
JP 逃げてないこともない、だからどうってだけ
nige te nai koto mo nai, dakara dou tte dake
EN It's not like I've never run away, "so what?", I say
JP (つまらない日なりに笑い合う隣に名曲が似合ったってだけ)
(tsumaranai hi nari ni warai au tonari ni meikyoku ga naittatte dake)
EN (The popular song just suited the person I was happily meeting with on the boring day)
JP 時間がないこともない、事件がないこともない
Jikan ga nai koto mo nai, jiken ga nai koto mo nai
EN It's not like I've lost time, It's not nothing has happened,
JP (行こう、手の鳴る方へ!名曲から今日も)(自分らしくいようって、イタイくらい届いてるわ!)
(iko u, te no naru hou he! maikyoku kara kyou mo) (jibun rashi kuiyo u tte, itai kurai todoi teru wa!)
EN (Let's go in the direction that the applause leads us, like that popular song!)(I will be true to myself until it hurts!)
JP 結局は今を忘れるなら
kekkyoku wa ima o wasureru nara
EN Eventually, if I forget the present
JP 目の前のなれあいもためらいもありふれてると思っていたいだけ
me no mae no nareai mo tamerai mo arifure teru to omotte itai dake
EN I want to think the relationships and hesitations before my eyes are ordinary
JP 安心で塗って毎日は流れた
anshin de nutte mainichi wa nagareta
EN Every day washes away painted by peace of mind
JP 「よかった」
EN "I'm relieved"
JP そんな気がしながら
sonna ki ga shi nagara
EN That's the feeling it gives me
JP “安心がきっと毎日を似せてる”
"anshin ga kitto mainichi o niseteru"
EN "Peace of mind must be imitating each day"
JP ずっとダレてもつれていた
zutto dare te motsure te ita
EN Even bored, I always brought it along
JP 生きてないこともない、活きてないってだけ
iki te nai koto mo nai, iki te nai tte dake
EN It's not like I'm not living, I just don't have a life.
JP (変われない代わりに夢のその隣に名曲は似合ったってだけ)
(kaware nai kawari ni yume no sono tonari ni maikyoku wa niattatte dake)
EN (Instead of changing, the popular song just suits what was beside my dream.)
JP 自分がないこともない、意見がないこともない
jibun ga nai koto mo nai, iken ga nai koto mo nai
EN It's not like I have no self, it's not like I have no opinions,
JP (行こう、手の鳴る方へ!名曲から今日も)(希望を叶えようってイタイくらい届いてるわ!)
(iko u, te no naru hou he! meikyoku kara kyou mo) (kibou o kanaeyo u tte itai kurai todoe teru wa!)
EN (Let's go in the direction that the applause leads us, like that popular song!)(I will wish my aspirations will be granted until it hurts!)
JP 名曲が今をなだめてるよ
meikyoku ga ima nadame teru yo
EN The popular song is now very soothing
JP まだ何か足りないって、ダレないであと何回言えばよかったんだ?
mada nani ka tari nai tte, dare nai de ato nan kai ie ba yokatta n da?
EN How many more times can I say something is missing without being bored?
JP 名曲は今も流れてるよ
meikyoku wa ima mo nagare teru yo
EN The popular song is still playing even even now
JP 目の前と向き合うとそれさえも色褪せていくと思ったら、負け
me no mae to mukiau to sore sae mo iroase te iku to omottara, make
EN If I think that all of what I face ahead will disappear, I lose.









anshin wo katta
doushite ka kokoro wo utte katta ki ga shi te tara
"anshin wa dou ka taikutsu to nite ta"
sonna naze ni uta rete ita

nige te nai koto mo nai, dakara dou tte dake
(tsumaranai hi nari ni warai au tonari ni meikyoku ga naittatte dake)
Jikan ga nai koto mo nai, jiken ga nai koto mo nai
(iko u, te no naru hou he! maikyoku kara kyou mo) (jibun rashi kuiyo u tte, itai kurai todoi teru wa!)

kekkyoku wa ima o wasureru nara
me no mae no nareai mo tamerai mo arifure teru to omotte itai dake

anshin de nutte mainichi wa nagareta
sonna ki ga shi nagara
"anshin ga kitto mainichi o niseteru"
zutto dare te motsure te ita

iki te nai koto mo nai, iki te nai tte dake
(kaware nai kawari ni yume no sono tonari ni maikyoku wa niattatte dake)
jibun ga nai koto mo nai, iken ga nai koto mo nai
(iko u, te no naru hou he! meikyoku kara kyou mo) (kibou o kanaeyo u tte itai kurai todoe teru wa!)

meikyoku ga ima nadame teru yo
mada nani ka tari nai tte, dare nai de ato nan kai ie ba yokatta n da?
meikyoku wa ima mo nagare teru yo
me no mae to mukiau to sore sae mo iroase te iku to omottara, make


I bought peace of mind
It felt like I somehow sold my heart and bought it back
"Peace of mind resembled boredom somehow"
For some reason that hit me hard

It's not like I've never run away, "so what?", I say
(The popular song just suited the person I was happily meeting with on the boring day)
It's not like I've lost time, It's not nothing has happened,
(Let's go in the direction that the applause leads us, like that popular song!)(I will be true to myself until it hurts!)

Eventually, if I forget the present
I want to think the relationships and hesitations before my eyes are ordinary

Every day washes away painted by peace of mind
"I'm relieved"
That's the feeling it gives me
"Peace of mind must be imitating each day"
Even bored, I always brought it along

It's not like I'm not living, I just don't have a life.
(Instead of changing, the popular song just suits what was beside my dream.)
It's not like I have no self, it's not like I have no opinions,
(Let's go in the direction that the applause leads us, like that popular song!)(I will wish my aspirations will be granted until it hurts!)
The popular song is now very soothing
How many more times can I say something is missing without being bored?
The popular song is still playing even even now
If I think that all of what I face ahead will disappear, I lose.

Song Comments

Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.
  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    Thank you… loved the lyrics

  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    i really like this song ^^ thank you for sharing the translation


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