Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「A.O.S.A.」by Supercar

「A.O.S.A.」by Supercar

Album: Futurama
Translated By: Matt


JP その時まで余計な日を数えるだけ
sono toki made yokei na hi wo kozoeru dake (yokei na hi wo)
EN I count down the excess days until the time comes
JP もう、ひとりでやれる全ては終わった
mou, hitori de yareru subete wa owatta
EN I'm done with doing everything alone
JP その時まで時計が日を数えるだけ
sono toki made tokei ga hi wo kazoeru dake (tokei ga hi wo)
EN My watch counts down the days until the time comes
JP 嗚呼、未来をふたり分くれないか
aa, mirai wo futari bun kure nai ka
EN Ah, will the future not give me a partner?
JP 未来をもてあましてみたいんだ
mirai wo moteamashite mitain da
EN I want to uncontrollably see the future
JP 青さ!青さ!青さ!青さ!
ao sa! ao sa! ao sa! ao sa!
EN It's blue! (x4)
JP その時まで余計な日を数えるだけ
sono toki made yokei na hi wo kozoeru dake (tokei ga hi wo)
EN I count down the excess days until the time comes
JP 嗚呼、未来をふたり分くれないか
aa, mirai wo futari bun kure nai ka
EN Ah, will the future not give me a partner?
JP 未来をもてあそんでやりたいんだ
mirai wo moteasonde yaritain da
EN I want to experience the future as I please
JP 青さ!青さ!青さ!青さ!
ao sa! ao sa! ao sa! ao sa!
EN It's blue! (x4)
JP ストーリー分と
SUTOORI bun to
EN As with the story,
JP ゆとり分の、よそ見分の未来と運を
yutori bun no, yosomi bun no mirai to un wo
EN As it allows, I look away and leave the future to luck










sono toki made yokei na hi wo kozoeru dake (yokei na hi wo)
mou, hitori de yareru subete wa owatta
sono toki made tokei ga hi wo kazoeru dake (tokei ga hi wo)

aa, mirai wo futari bun kure nai ka
mirai wo moteamashite mitain da

ao sa! ao sa! ao sa! ao sa!

sono toki made yokei na hi wo kozoeru dake (tokei ga hi wo)

aa, mirai wo futari bun kure nai ka
mirai wo moteasonde yaritain da

ao sa! ao sa! ao sa! ao sa!

SUTOORI bun to
yutori bun no, yosomi bun no mirai to un wo


I count down the excess days until the time comes
I'm done with doing everything alone
My watch counts down the days until the time comes

Ah, will the future not give me a partner?
I want to uncontrollably see the future

It's blue! (x4)

I count down the excess days until the time comes

Ah, will the future not give me a partner?
I want to experience the future as I please

It's blue! (x4)

As with the story,
As it allows, I look away and leave the future to luck

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