Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Alright」by Supercar

「Alright」by Supercar

Album: Drive
Translated By: Matt


JP かけひきだとかため息だとか
kakehikida toka tameiki da toka
EN It's something akin to bargaining or sighing,
JP 言葉の奥の言葉は知らないよ。
kotoba no oku no kotoba wa shiranai yo.
EN Not knowing the true meaning behind these words.
JP つまづく前にうなずくだけじゃ、
tsumazuku mae ni unazuku dake ja,
EN Just by bowing my head before I stumble,
JP この世の波は超えれやしないよ。
kono yo no nami wa koere ya shinai yo.
EN I won't cross over the waves of this world.
JP 言いわけなんかじゃない、
iiwake nanka ja nai,
EN It isn't an excuse,
JP これが19で覚えたジョークなんだ。
kore ga jyuu kyuu de oboeta JOOKU nanda.
EN This is a joke I remembered at 19.
JP 退屈なのがマイナスなのか
taikutsu na no ga MAINASU na no ka
EN Do the tedious things detract from the experience?
JP あの世も何も変わりはしないよ。
ano yo mo nanimo kawari wa shinai yo.
EN None of that will change even in the afterlife.
JP わりきれそうにもない、これじゃ…
warikire sou ni mo nai, kore ja....
EN It doesn't seem to have a clear explanation, with this...
JP あきらめなんかじゃない、
akirame nanka ja nai,
EN I haven't given up,
JP これが19で覚えたジョークなんだ。
kore ga 19 de oboeta JOOKU nan da.
EN This is a joke I remembered at 19.








kakehikida toka tameiki da toka
kotoba no oku no kotoba wa shiranai yo.

tsumazuku mae ni unazuku dake ja,
kono yo no nami wa koere ya shinai yo.

iiwake nanka ja nai,
kore ga jyuu kyuu de oboeta JOOKU nanda.

taikutsu na no ga MAINASU na no ka
ano yo mo nanimo kawari wa shinai yo.

warikire sou ni mo nai, kore ja....
akirame nanka ja nai,
kore ga 19 de oboeta JOOKU nan da.


It's something akin to bargaining or sighing,
Not knowing the true meaning behind these words.

Just by bowing my head before I stumble,
I won't cross over the waves of this world.

It isn't an excuse,
This is a joke I remembered at 19.

Do the tedious things detract from the experience?
None of that will change even in the afterlife.

It doesn't seem to have a clear explanation, with this...
I haven't given up,
This is a joke I remembered at 19.

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