Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Wavement」by Supercar

「Wavement」by Supercar

Album: My Girl
Translated By: Matt


JP 水辺には水辺に咲く花の色が合うように
mizube ni wa mizube ni saku hana no iro ga au
EN Just like how the colors of blooming flowers meet in the waterside
JP つまりは色あせた毎日に色があるように
tsumari wa iroaseta mainichi ni iro ga aru you ni
EN There appears to be color in our faded everyday lives
JP 朝の陽で目が覚めて僕らはくり返すはずさ
asa no hi de me ga samete bokura wa kurikaesu hazu sa
EN Every morning we wake, predestined to repeat everything again
JP それだけのことさ
sore dake no koto sa
EN That's all we do
JP そう思うと、朝の陽で目が覚めて
sou omou to, asa no hi de me ga samete
EN When I think so, every morning I wake,
JP 全てをくり返すだけの毎日なら 笑いとばすよ
subete wo kurikaesu dake no mainichi nara waraito basu yo
EN Just repeating an every day routine is laughable
JP 窓辺には窓辺で咲く花の夢があるように
madobe ni wa madobe de saku hana no yume ga aru you ni
EN Just like dreams of blooming flowers appear by the window
JP 偽りでくり返す毎日をぬけだせたのに
itsuwari de kurikaesu mainichi wo nukedaseta noni
EN We could sneak out of our everyday routine in pretense
JP 朝の陽で夢がさめて僕らの"とりあえず"だけが合図なのさ
asa no hi de yume ga samete bokura no "toriaezu" dake ga aizu na no sa
EN Every morning before we wake, our "things to do in the meantime" are a red flag
JP そう思ったんだ そんなのを笑いとばしたいんだ
sou omottan dat sonna no wo waraitobashitain da
EN That's what I thought; I want to laugh at such a thought
JP そんなのを笑いとばしたいんだ 笑いとばしたいんだ
sonna no wo waraitobashitain da waraitobashitain da
EN I want to laugh at such a thought; I want to laugh



全てをくり返すだけの毎日なら 笑いとばすよ


そう思ったんだ そんなのを笑いとばしたいんだ
そんなのを笑いとばしたいんだ 笑いとばしたいんだ


mizube ni wa mizube ni saku hana no iro ga au
tsumari wa iroaseta mainichi ni iro ga aru you ni

asa no hi de me ga samete bokura wa kurikaesu hazu sa
sore dake no koto sa
sou omou to, asa no hi de me ga samete
subete wo kurikaesu dake no mainichi nara waraito basu yo

madobe ni wa madobe de saku hana no yume ga aru you ni
itsuwari de kurikaesu mainichi wo nukedaseta noni

asa no hi de yume ga samete bokura no "toriaezu" dake ga aizu na no sa
sou omottan dat sonna no wo waraitobashitain da
sonna no wo waraitobashitain da waraitobashitain da


Just like how the colors of blooming flowers meet in the waterside
There appears to be color in our faded everyday lives

Every morning we wake, predestined to repeat everything again
That's all we do
When I think so, every morning I wake,
Just repeating an every day routine is laughable

Just like dreams of blooming flowers appear by the window
We could sneak out of our everyday routine in pretense

Every morning before we wake, our "things to do in the meantime" are a red flag
That's what I thought; I want to laugh at such a thought
I want to laugh at such a thought; I want to laugh

Song Comments

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  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    That's so sad.

  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    Gracias Matt. This song is so important to me... ❤


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