Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Universe」by Supercar

「Universe」by Supercar

Album: Aoharu Youth
Translated By: Matt


JP ヘイ 断然であれ ボーイ 斬新であれ
HEI danzen de are BOOI zanshin de are
EN Hey, even if you're absolute, boy, even if you're original,
JP 画になるステージは光のユニバース
e ni naru SUTEEJI ha hikari no YUNIBAASU
EN That stage which has become a painting is the light of the universe.
JP ヘイ 断然であれ ボーイ 斬新であれ
HEI danzen de are BOOI zanshin de are
EN Hey, even if you're absolute, boy, even if you're original,
JP ヘイ 未完成であれ ボーイ 意外性であれ
HEI mikansei de are BOOI igaisei de are
EN Hey, even if you're incomplete, boy, even in the element of surprise,
JP 有利なあてには光のユニバース
yuuri na ate ni ha hikari no YUNIBAASU
EN In aiming to become better you'll be the light of the universe.
JP ユニバース Uhmmm 天王星で 順応性で
YUNIBAASU Uhmmm tanousei de junnousei de
EN Universe Uhmmm, passing by Uranus, learning to adapt,
JP ユニバース Uhmmm  冥王星で 先見性で
YUNIBAASU Uhmmm meiousei de senkensei de
EN Universe Uhmmm, passing by Pluto, gaining foresight,
JP ユニバース Uhmmm  ユニバー
EN Universe Uhmmm Universe Uhmmm


ヘイ 断然であれ ボーイ 斬新であれ
ヘイ 断然であれ ボーイ 斬新であれ
ヘイ 未完成であれ ボーイ 意外性であれ

ユニバース Uhmmm  天王星で 順応性で
ユニバース Uhmmm  冥王星で 先見性で
ユニバース Uhmmm  ユニバー


HEI danzen de are BOOI zanshin de are
e ni naru SUTEEJI ha hikari no YUNIBAASU
HEI danzen de are BOOI zanshin de are
HEI mikansei de are BOOI igaisei de are
yuuri na ate ni ha hikari no YUNIBAASU

YUNIBAASU Uhmmm tanousei de junnousei de
YUNIBAASU Uhmmm meiousei de senkensei de


Hey, even if you're absolute, boy, even if you're original,
That stage which has become a painting is the light of the universe.
Hey, even if you're absolute, boy, even if you're original,
Hey, even if you're incomplete, boy, even in the element of surprise,
In aiming to become better you'll be the light of the universe.

Universe Uhmmm, passing by Uranus, learning to adapt,
Universe Uhmmm, passing by Pluto, gaining foresight,
Universe Uhmmm Universe Uhmmm

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