Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Harmony」by Supercar

「Harmony」by Supercar

Album: Answer
Translated By: Matt


JP 甘い余韻に夢見ていなよ
amai yoin ni yume miteina yo
EN Dream in sweet reverberation
JP 泡の時代がそうだったように、きっと最後には
awa no jidai ga sou datta you ni, kitto saigo ni wa
EN The age of the bubble was like that, in the end
JP 最後には
saigo ni wa
EN In the end
JP 最後には 現実が
saigo ni wa genjitsu ga
EN In the end, come to reality
JP 軽い話題に騒いでいなよ
karui wadai ni sawai de ina yo
EN Clamour about in small talk
JP 強い想いが今日も勝ったのに
tsuyoi omoi ga kyou mo katta noni
EN All your resilient wishes will come true today
JP そう、最後には
sou, saigo ni wa
EN Yes, in the end
JP 最後には
saigo ni wa
EN In the end
JP 最後には 真実が
saigo ni wa shinjitsu ga
EN In the end, come to truth
JP 最後には
saigo ni wa
EN In the end
JP 最後には
saigo ni wa
EN In the end
JP 最後には 調和が
saigo ni wa HAMONII ga
EN In the end, there is harmony



最後には 現実が


最後には 真実が
最後には 調和が


amai yoin ni yume miteina yo
awa no jidai ga sou datta you ni, kitto saigo ni wa

saigo ni wa
saigo ni wa genjitsu ga

karui wadai ni sawai de ina yo
tsuyoi omoi ga kyou mo katta noni
sou, saigo ni wa

saigo ni wa
saigo ni wa shinjitsu ga
saigo ni wa
saigo ni wa
saigo ni wa HAMONII ga


Dream in sweet reverberation
The age of the bubble was like that, in the end

In the end
In the end, come to reality

Clamour about in small talk
All your resilient wishes will come true today
Yes, in the end

In the end
In the end, come to truth
In the end
In the end
In the end, there is harmony

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