Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Drive」by Supercar

「Drive」by Supercar

Album: 3 Out Change
Translated By: Matt


JP 何をしてるの?
nani wo shiteru no?
EN What are you doing?
JP 何を見てるの?
nani wo miteru no?
EN What are you looking at?
JP 不安な目をしたまま
fuan na me wo shita mama
EN You have been anxiously looking around
JP どこへいったの?
doko e itta no?
EN Where did you go?
JP どうして泣くの?
dou shite naku no?
EN Why are you crying?
JP 夢はかなえるものよ。
yume wa kanaeru mono yo.
EN Dreams are things you wish upon.
JP ねえ、こんな日は一緒に空をながめていよう。
nee, konna hi wa issho ni sora wo nagamete iyou.
EN Hey, why don't we gaze at the sky together on a day like this?
JP ねえ、そんな目じゃぁきっと涙しか見えないよ。
nee, sonna me jaa kitto namida shika mie nai yo.
EN Hey, I can see nothing but tears in your eyes.
JP 夢で見たドライヴみたいに今日は
yume de mita DORAIVU mitai ni kyou wa
EN In a drive like the one seen in a dream
JP お姫様気取って むじゃきなままで。
ohimesama kidotte mujakina mama de.
EN The princess is affected again and again by her innocence.
JP 悩んでなんかないわよね。
nayan de nanka nai wa yo ne.
EN She seems to not really be troubled by this.
JP 長い夜に飽きただけでしょ?
nagai yoru ni aki ta dake desho?
EN Maybe she grew tired in the long nights?
JP 忘れたわけじゃないのよね。
wasureta wake ja nai no yo ne.
EN There's no reason to have forgotten.
JP ちょっぴり夢に疲れただけでしょ?
choppiri yume ni tsukareta dake desho?
EN Maybe she's grown just a bit tired of the dream?
JP どこへいったの?
doko e itta no?
EN Where did you go?
JP どうして泣くの?
dou shite naku no?
EN Why are you crying?
JP 手に入れたはずなのに。
te ni ireta hazu na noni.
EN In spite of expectations put in your hands.
JP 何がみえるの?
nani ga mieru no?
EN What can you see?
JP 何が見えても
nani ga miete mo
EN No matter what it is,
JP 後戻りしちゃだめよ。
atomodori shicha dame yo.
EN Make sure you never backtrack.
JP ねえ、こんな日は一緒に空をながめていよう。
nee, konna hi wa issho ni sora wo nagamete iyou.
EN Hey, why don't we gaze at the sky together on a day like this?
JP ねえ、そんな目じゃぁきっと涙しか見えないよ。
nee, sonna me jaa kitto namida shika mie nai yo.
EN Hey, I can see nothing but tears in your eyes.
JP いつの日か あなたは強い心で
itsu no hi ka anata wa tsuyoi kokoro de
EN With your strong heart,
JP 本当の笑顔を みつけるはずよ。
hontou no egao wo mitsukeru hazu yo.
EN Someday you should find your true smiling face.
JP 夢で見たドライヴみたいに今日は
yume de mita DORAIVU mitai ni kyou wa
EN In a drive like the one seen in a dream
JP お姫様気取って むじゃきなままで。
ohimesama kidotte mijakina mama de.
EN The princess is affected again and again by her innocence.
JP 恐れてなんかないわよね。
osore te nanka nai wa yo ne.
EN She doesn't seem to fear this.
JP ちょっぴりあなたが弱いだけでしょ?
choppiri anata ga yowai dake desho?
EN Maybe you are just a bit weak?




お姫様気取って むじゃきなままで。




いつの日か あなたは強い心で
本当の笑顔を みつけるはずよ。

お姫様気取って むじゃきなままで。



nani wo shiteru no?
nani wo miteru no?
fuan na me wo shita mama
doko e itta no?
dou shite naku no?
yume wa kanaeru mono yo.

nee, konna hi wa issho ni sora wo nagamete iyou.
nee, sonna me jaa kitto namida shika mie nai yo.

yume de mita DORAIVU mitai ni kyou wa
ohimesama kidotte mujakina mama de.

nayan de nanka nai wa yo ne.
nagai yoru ni aki ta dake desho?
wasureta wake ja nai no yo ne.
choppiri yume ni tsukareta dake desho?

doko e itta no?
dou shite naku no?
te ni ireta hazu na noni.
nani ga mieru no?
nani ga miete mo
atomodori shicha dame yo.

nee, konna hi wa issho ni sora wo nagamete iyou.
nee, sonna me jaa kitto namida shika mie nai yo.

itsu no hi ka anata wa tsuyoi kokoro de
hontou no egao wo mitsukeru hazu yo.

yume de mita DORAIVU mitai ni kyou wa
ohimesama kidotte mijakina mama de.

osore te nanka nai wa yo ne.
choppiri anata ga yowai dake desho?


What are you doing?
What are you looking at?
You have been anxiously looking around
Where did you go?
Why are you crying?
Dreams are things you wish upon.

Hey, why don't we gaze at the sky together on a day like this?
Hey, I can see nothing but tears in your eyes.

In a drive like the one seen in a dream
The princess is affected again and again by her innocence.

She seems to not really be troubled by this.
Maybe she grew tired in the long nights?
There's no reason to have forgotten.
Maybe she's grown just a bit tired of the dream?

Where did you go?
Why are you crying?
In spite of expectations put in your hands.
What can you see?
No matter what it is,
Make sure you never backtrack.

Hey, why don't we gaze at the sky together on a day like this?
Hey, I can see nothing but tears in your eyes.

With your strong heart,
Someday you should find your true smiling face.

In a drive like the one seen in a dream
The princess is affected again and again by her innocence.

She doesn't seem to fear this.
Maybe you are just a bit weak?

Song Comments

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  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    first supercar song i listened to


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