Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「U」by Supercar

「U」by Supercar

Album: 3 Out Change
Translated By: Matt


JP 「ああ。うそを言う。利口でしょ?」
aa. uso wo iu. rikou deshou?
EN Ah. I tell lies. I suppose it's clever?
JP 「さぁ?つのる理想でしょう?」
sa? tsunoru risou deshou?
EN Well? I suppose it's an escalating ideal?
JP ユウ・・・/会いたくなぁれ、僕に。会いたくなぁれ、また・・・
yuu... aitaku naare, boku ni. yuu... aitaku naare, mata...
EN You... I want to meet you, myself. You... I want to meet you, still...
JP 「ハーイ、僕ら利口でしょう?
haai, bokura rikou deshou?
EN Hi, I suppose we're clever?
JP そう、うそを言う。時効でしょう?」
sou, uso wo iu. jikou deshou?
EN Right, we tell lies. It must be past the statue of limitations, right?




aa. uso wo iu. rikou deshou?
sa? tsunoru risou deshou?
yuu... aitaku naare, boku ni. yuu... aitaku naare, mata...
haai, bokura rikou deshou?
sou, uso wo iu. jikou deshou?


Ah. I tell lies. I suppose it's clever?
Well? I suppose it's an escalating ideal?
You... I want to meet you, myself. You... I want to meet you, still...
Hi, I suppose we're clever?
Right, we tell lies. It must be past the statue of limitations, right?

Song Comments

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  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    sounds like oasis

  • U. One of my favorite tracks.


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