Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Trip Sky」by Supercar

「Trip Sky」by Supercar

Album: 3 Out Change
Translated By: Matt


JP ありそうにもない夢の存在。
ari sou ni mo nai yume no sonzai.
EN The world of my dream will not likely become reality.
JP まだ見えてない?まだこりてない?
mada miete nai? mada kori te nai?
EN Can't I see it yet? Haven't I become absorbed in it yet?
JP 争いなんてない理想のサイゴを誓っても
arasoi nante nai risou no saigo o chikatte mo
EN I swear to the end of my conflict-free ideal,
JP 描いた夢のまま静かに
egai ta yume no mama shizuka ni
EN Peacefully as it's drawn in the dream,
JP 浮かんでまた消えてくのさ。
ukan de mata kiete ku no sa.
EN I float away and disappear again.
JP あいまいな歌。 まいあがる空。
aimai na uta. maiagaru sora.
EN An ambiguous song. The soaring heavens.
JP まだ見えてない?まだこりてない?
mada mie te nai? mada kori te nai?
EN Can't I see it yet? Haven't I become absorbed in it yet?
JP 争いなんてない理想のサイゴを誓っても
arasoi nante nai risou no saigo o chikatte mo
EN I swear to the end of my conflict-free ideal,
JP 強引な手でまた誰かの
gouin na te de mata dare ka no
EN That the hand of a coercive person
JP 転んだその手をつかむのさ。
koronda sono te wo tsukamu no sa.
EN Will catch another who has fallen.
JP 描いた夢のまま静かに
egai ta yume no mama sizuka ni
EN Peacefully as it's drawn in the dream,
JP 浮かんでまた消えてくのさ。
ukan de mata kiete ku no sa.
EN I float away and disappear again.
JP すさんだ世界の向こうへと
susan da sekai no mukou he to
EN To the other side of this bitter world,
JP 浮かんでまた消えてくのさ。
ukan de mata kiete ku no sa.
EN I float away and disappear again.




あいまいな歌。 まいあがる空。




ari sou ni mo nai yume no sonzai.
mada miete nai? mada kori te nai?
arasoi nante nai risou no saigo o chikatte mo

egai ta yume no mama shizuka ni
ukan de mata kiete ku no sa.

aimai na uta. maiagaru sora.
mada mie te nai? mada kori te nai?
arasoi nante nai risou no saigo o chikatte mo

gouin na te de mata dare ka no 
koronda sono te wo tsukamu no sa.

egai ta yume no mama sizuka ni
ukan de mata kiete ku no sa.
susan da sekai no mukou he to
ukan de mata kiete ku no sa.


The world of my dream will not likely become reality.
Can't I see it yet? Haven't I become absorbed in it yet?
I swear to the end of my conflict-free ideal,

Peacefully as it's drawn in the dream,
I float away and disappear again.

An ambiguous song. The soaring heavens.
Can't I see it yet? Haven't I become absorbed in it yet?
I swear to the end of my conflict-free ideal,

That the hand of a coercive person
Will catch another who has fallen.

Peacefully as it's drawn in the dream,
I float away and disappear again.
To the other side of this bitter world,
I float away and disappear again.

Song Comments

Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.
  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    What does this song mean?

  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    God damn this last live version...

    • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

      +1. the youtube version is so mother fucker amazing......

      • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

        so fucking crazy, so powerful, so bright and briliant.....

      • +1 agree

  • always disapearing

  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    In the "Last Live" Version, what is he singing at the end?

    • It is unintelligible to me, and the words are not in any of the lyric pamphlets.

    • i think he sing something "soaring heavens", again and again


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