Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Trash & Lemmon」by Supercar

「Trash & Lemmon」by Supercar

Album: 3 Out Change
Translated By: Matt


JP はなさない。たとえどんなに遠くへ逃げても――。
hanasanai. tatoe donnani tooku he nigete mo--
EN I won't let go. No matter how far you run--
JP わすれない。たどりついたら文句はないんだろう?
wasurenai. tadoritsui tara monku wa nain darou?
EN I won't forget. I suppose there won't be a problem when I arrive?
JP どうかこのまま引きはしたりしないでおいてよ。
douka kono mama hiki wa shitari shinai de oite yo
EN Anyhow, stop pulling away like this and give up!
JP どうかこの場はあたたかい目で見守っていてよ。
douka kono ba wa atatakai me de mimamotteite yo
EN Anyhow, everyone here is staring at us indulgently!
JP どうか神様僕の愛をかえしてよ。
douka kamisama boku no ai wo kaeshite yo
EN Please, God, return my affections!
JP ・・・愛に関しての声を聞かせてよ。 ni kanshite no koe wo kikasete yo
EN ...speak to me in a loving voice!







hanasanai. tatoe donnani tooku he nigete mo--
wasurenai. tadoritsui tara monku wa nain darou?

douka kono mama hiki wa shitari shinai de oite yo
douka kono ba wa atatakai me de mimamotteite yo

douka kamisama boku no ai wo kaeshite yo ni kanshite no koe wo kikasete yo


I won't let go. No matter how far you run--
I won't forget. I suppose there won't be a problem when I arrive?

Anyhow, stop pulling away like this and give up!
Anyhow, everyone here is staring at us indulgently!

Please, God, return my affections!

...speak to me in a loving voice!

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