Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Top 10」by Supercar

「Top 10」by Supercar

Album: 3 Out Change
Translated By: Matt


JP もし今、期待してもいいなら意外と素直に、ほら
moshi ima, kitai shite mo ii nara igai to sunao ni, hora
EN If now, it's ok to hold on to expectations, then I'll become surprisingly honest, look
JP 僕は僕にだけなら期待してもいいよ。
boku wa boku ni dake nara kitai shite mo ii yo.
EN It's ok if I hold expectations just for myself.
JP 朝がやって来るのをのんびり待ってるよ。
asa ga yatte kuru no wo nonbiri matteru yo.
EN I'm leisurely waiting for the morning to come.
JP 僕らに期待しないって言うならイタイ目を見るよ、ほら
bokura ni kitai shinai tte iu nara itai me wo miru yo, hora
EN You'll have painful experiences if you say "don't hold expectations of us", look
JP 昨日も僕がいなけりゃ今ごろどうしてた?
kinou mo boku ga inakerya ima goro dou shiteta?
EN What would've happened by now if I hadn't been there yesterday?
JP 朝はきっと来るから、のんびり待ってなよ。
asa wa kitto kuru kara, nonbiri matte na yo.
EN The morning will definitely come, so take your time and wait.







moshi ima, kitai shite mo ii nara igai to sunao ni, hora
boku wa boku ni dake nara kitai shite mo ii yo.

asa ga yatte kuru no wo nonbiri matteru yo.

bokura ni kitai shinai tte iu nara itai me wo miru yo, hora
kinou mo boku ga inakerya ima goro dou shiteta?

asa wa kitto kuru kara, nonbiri matte na yo.


If now, it's ok to hold on to expectations, then I'll become surprisingly honest, look
It's ok if I hold expectations just for myself.

I'm leisurely waiting for the morning to come.

You'll have painful experiences if you say "don't hold expectations of us", look
What would've happened by now if I hadn't been there yesterday?

The morning will definitely come, so take your time and wait.

Song Comments

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  • Great song. You've been busy on Three Out Change, good stuff!


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