Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Smart」by Supercar

「Smart」by Supercar

Album: 3 Out Change
Translated By: Matt


JP どのみち涙で人生とか悟りひらいても
donomichi namida de jinsei toka satori hiraite mo
EN A human nature like enlightenment is reached through tears at any rate
JP 僕らの間じゃあ先生にも愛想つかしてた。
bokura no aida jaa sensei ni mo aiso tsukashite ta.
EN Our teacher in the room has already exhausted his courtesy.
JP スキ間からあふれるメロディ。
SUKI ma kara afureru MERODI.
EN An overflowing melody from a favorable time.
JP 明日から変われるでもない。
ashita kara kawareru demo nai.
EN Starting tomorrow it won't even change.
JP さぁ 甘辛 僕らの小さな旅。
saa amakara bokura no chiisana tabi.
EN Come, let's start our small bittersweet journey.
JP 僕らはアミダで人生でも決めれるハズだし
bokura wa AMIDA de jinsei demo kimereru hazu dashi
EN As we are supposed to dedicate our lives to Buddha,
JP そのうち涙で反省でもしてみる覚悟さ。
sonouchi namida de hansei demo shite miru kakugo sa.
EN Eventually we'll try and resolve our meditation with tears.
JP スキ間からあふれるメロディ。
SUKI ma kara afureru MERODI.
EN An overflowing melody from a favorable time.
JP あしたから変われるでもない。
ashita kara kawareru de mo nai.
EN Starting tomorrow it won't even change.
JP さぁ 甘辛 僕らの小さな旅。
saa amakara bokura no chiisana tabi
EN Let's start our small bittersweet journey.
JP 僕から届けるメロディ。
boku kara todokeru MERODI
EN The melody delivered from me.
JP あなたなら悲しむでもない。
anata nara kanashimu demo nai
EN I won't regret if it's you.
JP さぁ 甘辛 僕らの小さな旅。
saa amakara bokura no chiisana tabi
EN Come, let's start our small bittersweet journey.
JP 僕らはアミダで人生でも決めれるハズだし
bokura wa AMIDA de jinsei demo kimereru hazu dashi
EN As we are supposed to dedicate our lives to Buddha,
JP そのうち涙で反省でもしてみる覚悟さ。
sonouchi namida de hansei demo shite miru kakugo sa
EN Eventually we'll try and resolve our meditation with tears.



さぁ 甘辛 僕らの小さな旅。


さぁ 甘辛 僕らの小さな旅。

さぁ 甘辛 僕らの小さな旅。



donomichi namida de jinsei toka satori hiraite mo
bokura no aida jaa sensei ni mo aiso tsukashite ta.

SUKI ma kara afureru MERODI.
ashita kara kawareru demo nai.
saa amakara bokura no chiisana tabi.

bokura wa AMIDA de jinsei demo kimereru hazu dashi
sonouchi namida de hansei demo shite miru kakugo sa.

SUKI ma kara afureru MERODI.
ashita kara kawareru de mo nai.
saa amakara bokura no chiisana tabi

boku kara todokeru MERODI
anata nara kanashimu demo nai
saa amakara bokura no chiisana tabi

bokura wa AMIDA de jinsei demo kimereru hazu dashi
sonouchi namida de hansei demo shite miru kakugo sa


A human nature like enlightenment is reached through tears at any rate
Our teacher in the room has already exhausted his courtesy.

An overflowing melody from a favorable time.
Starting tomorrow it won't even change.
Come, let's start our small bittersweet journey.

As we are supposed to dedicate our lives to Buddha,
Eventually we'll try and resolve our meditation with tears.

An overflowing melody from a favorable time.
Starting tomorrow it won't even change.
Let's start our small bittersweet journey.

The melody delivered from me.
I won't regret if it's you.
Come, let's start our small bittersweet journey.

As we are supposed to dedicate our lives to Buddha,
Eventually we'll try and resolve our meditation with tears.

Song Comments

Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.
  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    Hello! I have the same question, what does he say after the chorus???

  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    I have the same question guys! Its my favourite part of the song, so sexy. so smart ;)

  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    Great song, thanks for posting this! one thing is killing me: after the "saa amakara bokura no chiisana tabi" he says something, just two words, almost sounds like the first word is "once" but I cant even tell if its in English or Japanese. Anybody know what hes saying?

    • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

      I can't really tell either, sounds like he's saying "Once clever" or something like that. I've always wondered what it really is though.


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