Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Sea Girl」by Supercar

「Sea Girl」by Supercar

Album: 3 Out Change
Translated By: Matt


JP みんなで行こうよ。人魚になろうよ。
minna de ikou yo. ningyo ni narou yo
EN Let's go, everyone! Let's become mermaids!
JP サンゴの城で ダンスしようよ。
sango no shiro de DANSU shiyou yo
EN Let's all dance by the coral castle!
JP きっと 乙姫も待ってるのよ。
kitto otohime mo matteru no yo
EN Surely the youngest princess is waiting there as well.
JP もう男にはうんざりよ。
mou otoko ni wa unzari yo
EN She's already tired of men!
JP みんなで行こうよ。
minna de ikou yo
EN Let's go, everyone!
JP ボートの向こうの小さな島で散歩をしようよ。
BOOTO no mukou no chiisana shima de sanpo wo shiyou yo
EN Let's take a stroll on the that small island in the distance ahead of our boat!
JP そっと誰かにも教えてよ。
sotto dareka ni mo oshiete yo
EN Out there we'll tell someone else
JP もう大人にはうんざりよ。
mou otona ni wa unzari yo
EN How we're already fed up with adults!
JP そんな夏のおとずれを待ってたのよ。
sonna natsu no otozure wo matteta no yo
EN I've waited for the arrival of such a summer.


サンゴの城で ダンスしようよ。

きっと 乙姫も待ってるのよ。





minna de ikou yo. ningyo ni narou yo
sango no shiro de DANSU shiyou yo

kitto otohime mo matteru no yo
mou otoko ni wa unzari yo

minna de ikou yo
BOOTO no mukou no chiisana shima de sanpo wo shiyou yo

sotto dareka ni mo oshiete yo
mou otona ni wa unzari yo

sonna natsu no otozure wo matteta no yo


Let's go, everyone!  Let's become mermaids!
Let's all dance by the coral castle!

Surely the youngest princess is waiting there as well.
She's already tired of men!

Let's go, everyone!
Let's take a stroll on the that small island in the distance ahead of our boat!

Out there we'll tell someone else
How we're already fed up with adults!

I've waited for the arrival of such a summer.

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