Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Supercar Lyrics for 「Automatic Wing」by Supercar

「Automatic Wing」by Supercar

Album: 3 Out Change
Translated By: Matt


JP 僕は芝生の上で寝転がるだけさ。
boku wa shibafu no ue de nekorogaru dake sa
EN I just lie down on top of the lawn.
JP 君はそれでも僕に会いたがるはずさ。
kimi wa soredemo boku ni aitagaru hazu sa
EN Even so, you'll still want to meet me.
JP 君は流行りのドラマ見届けたあとで
kimi wa hayai no DORAMA mitodoketa ato de
EN After you live out your crazy TV drama
JP 僕とドラマのつづきを作りだすはずさ。
boku to DORAMA no tsuduki wo tsukuridasu hazu sa
EN You should create a sequel to the drama with me.
JP 遠い空 2人で長い夜を越えて
tooi sora futari de nagai yoru o koe te
EN Together we cross over the distant sky on this long night,
JP 手をとる僕らは空へ歩きだした。
te o toru bokura wa sora e aruki dashi ta
EN We took each other's hand and started walking towards the sky.
JP 模型の飛行機 追いこせ 静かな土曜日。
mokei no hikouki oikose shizuka na doyoubi
EN Chasing past the model airplane, on a quiet Saturday.
JP 子供の頃から夢に見てた空で
kodomo no koro kara yume ni miteta sora de
EN In the sky I've seen in my dreams since I was a child,
JP ステキな星には君の名前つけた。
SUTEKI na hoshi ni wa kimi no namae tsuke ta
EN Your name was spelled out in the beautiful stars.
JP 土星の軌道に届いて笑顔でキスした。
dosei no kidou ni todoi te egao de KISU shi ta
EN We reached Saturn's orbit and kissed with a smile.
JP 時計のむこうにとどけるセレナーデ。
tokei no mukou ni todokeru SERENAADE
EN A serenade delivered beyond time.




遠い空 2人で長い夜を越えて
模型の飛行機 追いこせ 静かな土曜日。



boku wa shibafu no ue de nekorogaru dake sa
kimi wa soredemo boku ni aitagaru hazu sa

kimi wa hayai no DORAMA mitodoketa ato de
boku to DORAMA no tsuduki wo tsukuridasu hazu sa

tooi sora futari de nagai yoru o koe te
te o toru bokura wa sora e aruki dashi ta
mokei no hikouki oikose shizuka na doyoubi

kodomo no koro kara yume ni miteta sora de
SUTEKI na hoshi ni wa kimi no namae tsuke ta
dosei no kidou ni todoi te egao de KISU shi ta
tokei no mukou ni todokeru SERENAADE


I just lie down on top of the lawn.
Even so, you'll still want to meet me.

After you live out your crazy TV drama
You should create a sequel to the drama with me.

Together we cross over the distant sky on this long night,
We took each other's hand and started walking towards the sky.
Chasing past the model airplane, on a quiet Saturday.

In the sky I've seen in my dreams since I was a child,
Your name was spelled out in the beautiful stars.
We reached Saturn's orbit and kissed with a smile.
A serenade delivered beyond time.

Song Comments

Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.
  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    i decided to check the lyrics translation here, been listening to them for 1 year... this is just so beautiful

  • what a beautiful Song :')

  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    Such a good song

  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    i love this song bro

  • Such dreamy metaphoric lyrics. A great Supercar song. I wish they played it more live.


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