Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Who Are We? is a fan-site dedicated to the now defunct Japanese band: Supercar. This site contains translated lyrics, photos, videos, and a place to talk with other Supercar fans.

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  • does anyone here know why supercar is called supercar? i'm thinking about asking miki directly but if someone here already knows that would be a huge help. thank you!

    • To be honest, i have no clue behind the name Supercar lol. I think asking Miki would be awesome, i know she is active on instagram if you ask her there.

    • Junji liked the sound of the word "SUPERCAR" in katakana English, so he used it as the name of the band. Btw the band was previously named "The Students", since at the time Nakako, Miki and Junji were all in senior high.

      • never knew this, thanks! :D

      • holy shit i love you thanks so much

      • I found a 2011 interview about names, but it's in Japanese. いしわたり:僕が付けました。当時日本でどんなに頑張って音楽をやっても、日本にしか響かないと言う感覚があったんですよね。曲も日本語でやろうと思っていたし。だからバンド名も“日本語英語”っぽい名前が良いなと思ったんです。そこで日本語英語で一番ポップな名前は何だろうと考えた時に、やっぱ「スーパーカー」かなと。from

    • also in an 11 year interview, Nakako said that it had already been determined before knowing his name

  • recently started a supercar inspired project and I'm looking for a female vocalist to join me, currently just two people, if you play an intrument too that's even better, any kind of experience is welcomed, hmu if you're interested, thanks

  • I just put Last Live on Letterboxd if anybody else here uses that site/wants to check it out!

  • anyone from Canada here?

  • hello supercarband! it's been a while since i've posted on here, many things have changed in my life since my last interaction on here back in may. i hope you're all doing well.

    • That's good to hear! I've just seen Mass of the Fermenting Dregs twice live last month and just saw Haru Nemuri this past sunday. Maybe whenever i go to japan, i could see Koji live lol.

  • any indonesian fans here? i'm new to this band

    • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

      Hey I'm from Indonesia too, there are a handful of Indonesian fans of Supercar. I find most of them attracted to Parannoul music, so maybe if you find people who listens to Parannoul there's a slight chance that they're a Supercar fan too. If they're not, you can always recommend Three Out Change to them!


      • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

        ayeeee (i use guest acc because i forgot the password :3)

    • Indonesia fans here!!!! Been loving them since 2011 when listened "Storywriter" in Eureka Seven when it aired on Global TV in the early morning. I also have "HIGHVISION" vinyl, which is to me still one of the best album of all time.

  • So some of the supercar live footages have been deleted due to copyright issues or website crash(RIP NicoNico). Fortunately I managed to find some of them, please enjoy

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    Have you guys watched the movie Ping Pong (2002). If so what is your favorite scene in which a Supercar song is being played?

  • Hey Guys! I uploaded the entire Band Score of OOKeah !! and OOYeah !! Please check it out!!

  • I'm experimenting with a 3D album viewer if anyone wants to look.