Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Who Are We? is a fan-site dedicated to the now defunct Japanese band: Supercar. This site contains translated lyrics, photos, videos, and a place to talk with other Supercar fans.

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  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    In case anyone missed it, Ian Martin wrote another article on Supercar in May:

  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    Hi, I want to know how to download their songs in mp3

  • hello guys :)

  • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

    Actually, nicovideo has a lot of other great live スーパーカー videos in addition to the Seven Front one I linked to below. There's a Cream Soda video from the same concert [ ], early live performances of Hello and White Surf Style, them playing Tonight (which I haven't seen performed live elsewhere), etc. Maybe you can link these under your Videos tab? Or does that tab only work with YouTube content?

    • Every website embeds video content differently. I'll see if I can support nicovideo.

      • I have tested embeds, for those 2 videos embedding is not enabled on the nicovideo website. You can still link to them from the video section, though.

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    スーパーカー playing Seven Front in 1999:

    • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

      Only time I've seen Miki with her hair up.

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    Untitled 16? Nop?

    • I assume you're talking about the Demo track on Re:Supercar 2. I don't translate songs that don't have lyrics released. I have a hard enough time telling what people say in English-speaking songs.

    • Also you can tell the lyrics in the demo versions of the songs that were released are very different because the demo tracks had placeholder lyrics to show how the vocals would fit the music, before Junji went and wrote the final lyrics.

  • so they were active from 1995-2005.and I just learned of them in 2018.the heck I've been doing with my life.

    • Dunno. Welcome to the club!

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    could you help me with the lyrics of the song: Piano. It's a song from the iLL Force album.

    • The lyrics aren't in the booklet that comes with the CD, and I can't find them online...

      • Profile picture for Guest. Activate to visit their profile.

        Chispas! Ok, thanks Matt. You are still the best!

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    Hope they reunite again in future :)

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    Does anyone know the lyrics of the song Wavement?