Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Miki Furukawa Lyrics for 「Candy Girl」by Miki Furukawa

「Candy Girl」by Miki Furukawa

Album: Bondage Heart
Translated By: Matt


JP CandyStrip
EN Candy strip
JP 星屑をバラまくように 破裂しそうなの
hoshikuzu wo bara maku you ni haretsushi sou na no
EN Like scattering stardust, it's about to burst
JP ねぇベイビー Tonight
nee BEIBII Tonight
EN Hey, baby, tonight
JP Candy Trip
Candy Trip
EN Candy trip
JP いつまでも臆病 ...........なんてウソ☆
itsu made mo okubyou...nante uso
EN Saying I'll always be a lie☆
JP 全部見たいの!
zenbu mitai no!
EN I want to see everything!
JP ねぇベイビー ほら
nee BEIBII hora
EN Hey, baby, look at me
JP ああ
JP この自由と無限の予感を
kono jiyuu to mugen no yokan wo
EN This premonition of freedom and infinity
JP 胸に詰めて願っている
mune ni tsume te negatte iru
EN I wish for it to be packed into my chest
JP 今鮮やかに 舞い上がるドリーム
ima azayaka ni maiagaru DORIIMU
EN Now I'm vividly soaring in this dream
JP そのまま永遠に 繋がってくドリーム
sonomama towa ni tsunagatteku DORIIMU
EN Just like that, connected to this dream for an eternity
JP 今鮮やかに はじけ出すドリーム
ima azayaka ni hajike dasu DORIIMU
EN Now the dream brilliantly bursts open
JP そのまま永遠に 舞い上がるドリーム
sonomama towa ni maiagaru DORIIMU
EN Just like that, soaring in this dream for an eternity
JP Are you ready?
Are you ready?
EN Are you ready?


星屑をバラまくように 破裂しそうなの
ねぇベイビー Tonight
Candy Trip
いつまでも臆病 ...........なんてウソ☆
ねぇベイビー ほら


今鮮やかに    舞い上がるドリーム
そのまま永遠に 繋がってくドリーム
今鮮やかに    はじけ出すドリーム
そのまま永遠に 舞い上がるドリーム

Are you ready?


hoshikuzu wo bara maku you ni haretsushi sou na no
nee BEIBII Tonight
Candy Trip
itsu made mo okubyou...nante uso
zenbu mitai no!
nee BEIBII hora

kono jiyuu to mugen no yokan wo
mune ni tsume te negatte iru

ima azayaka ni maiagaru DORIIMU
sonomama towa ni tsunagatteku DORIIMU
ima azayaka ni hajike dasu DORIIMU
sonomama towa ni maiagaru DORIIMU

Are you ready?


Candy strip
Like scattering stardust, it's about to burst
Hey, baby, tonight
Candy trip
Saying I'll always be a lie☆
I want to see everything!
Hey, baby, look at me

This premonition of freedom and infinity
I wish for it to be packed into my chest

Now I'm vividly soaring in this dream
Just like that, connected to this dream for an eternity
Now the dream brilliantly bursts open
Just like that, soaring in this dream for an eternity

Are you ready?

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