Members of Supercar, from left to right: Nakamura Koji, Furukawa Miki, Ishiwatari Junji, Tazawa Kodai

Lama Lyrics for 「Fantasy 」by Lama

「Fantasy 」by Lama

Translated By: JFiesta99


JP 淡い朝もやに ささやく祈り
Awai asamoya ni sasayaku inori
EN A whispered prayer in the faint morning mist
JP 歪んだ景色を 君となぞってゆく
yuganda keshiki o kimi to nazotte yuku
EN I trace the distorted scenery with you
JP "本当"を求め、「"嘘"でもいいから」なんてね
" hontō" o motome,`" uso" demo īkara' nante ne
EN Seeking "truth", saying "I don't care if it's a lie
JP 見透かしあう様に たどってく
misukashi au yō ni tadotte ku
EN As if we could see through each other, she followed
JP Looking for 言葉越えて
Looking fō kotoba koete
EN Looking for beyond words
JP おちていく 羽のように
ochite iku hane no yō ni
EN Like a falling feather
JP Looking for ミツケテ
Looking fō mitsukete
EN Looking for Mitsukete
JP ここで よりそうように
koko de yorisō yō ni
EN more like here
JP Looking for 解きほどいて
Looking fō toki hodoite
EN Looking for unravel
JP ちぎれる 雲のように
chigireru kumo no yō ni
EN Like a tearing cloud
JP Looking for ミツケテ
Looking fō mitsukete
EN Looking for Mitsukete
JP ここで よりそうように
koko de yorisō yō ni
EN more like here
JP 理由を求める同士 隙間つむぐ時
riyū o motomeru dōshi sukima tsumugu toki
EN Comrades seeking a reason, when weaving the gap
JP 癒えぬかさぶたを そっと剥がしてゆく
ienu kasabuta o sotto hagashite yuku `
EN She gently peels off the scab that won't heal
JP 「"綺麗"が"嘘"でも どうでもいい」だなんてね
" kirei" ga" uso" demo dō demo ī'da nante ne
EN "She doesn't care if 'beautiful' is a 'lie'"
JP 許し合うために たどってく
yurushi au tame ni tadotte ku
EN To forgive each other, follow
JP Looking for 手を伸ばして
Looking fō-te o nobashite
EN Looking for stretch out your hand
JP よせあう 波のように
yose au nami no yō ni
EN Like waves coming together
JP Looking for ミツケテ
Looking fō mitsukete
EN Looking for Mitsukete
JP ここで よりそうように
koko de yorisō yō ni
EN more like here
JP Looking for 照らし出して
Looking fō terashi dashite
EN Looking for light up
JP さすらう 月のように
sasurau tsuki no yō ni
EN Like the wandering moon
JP Looking for ミツケテ
Looking fō mitsukete
EN Looking for Mitsukete
JP ここで よりそうように
koko de yorisō yō ni
EN more like here
JP Looking for... (looking for...)
Looking fō... (Looking fō... )
EN Looking for... (looking for...)
JP Looking for... (looking for...)
Looking fō... (Looking fō... )
EN Looking for... (looking for...)
JP Looking for... (looking for...)
Looking fō... (Looking fō... )
EN Looking for... (looking for...)
JP Looking for... (looking for...)
Looking fō... (Looking fō... )
EN Looking for... (looking for...)


淡い朝もやに ささやく祈り
歪んだ景色を 君となぞってゆく
見透かしあう様に たどってく
Looking for 言葉越えて
おちていく 羽のように
Looking for ミツケテ
ここで よりそうように
Looking for 解きほどいて
ちぎれる 雲のように
Looking for ミツケテ
ここで よりそうように
理由を求める同士 隙間つむぐ時
癒えぬかさぶたを そっと剥がしてゆく
「"綺麗"が"嘘"でも どうでもいい」だなんてね
許し合うために たどってく
Looking for 手を伸ばして
よせあう 波のように
Looking for ミツケテ
ここで よりそうように
Looking for 照らし出して
さすらう 月のように
Looking for ミツケテ
ここで よりそうように
Looking for... (looking for...)
Looking for... (looking for...)
Looking for... (looking for...)
Looking for... (looking for...)


Awai asamoya ni sasayaku inori 
yuganda keshiki o kimi to nazotte yuku
" hontō" o motome,`" uso" demo īkara' nante ne
 misukashi au yō ni tadotte ku 
Looking fō kotoba koete 
ochite iku hane no yō ni 
Looking fō mitsukete 
koko de yorisō yō ni 
Looking fō toki hodoite 
chigireru kumo no yō ni 
Looking fō mitsukete 
koko de yorisō yō ni 
riyū o motomeru dōshi sukima tsumugu toki 
ienu kasabuta o sotto hagashite yuku `
" kirei" ga" uso" demo dō demo ī'da nante ne 
yurushi au tame ni tadotte ku 
Looking fō-te o nobashite 
yose au nami no yō ni 
Looking fō mitsukete 
koko de yorisō yō ni 
Looking fō terashi dashite 
sasurau tsuki no yō ni 
Looking fō mitsukete
 koko de yorisō yō ni 
Looking fō... (Looking fō... ) 
Looking fō... (Looking fō... ) 
Looking fō... (Looking fō... ) 
Looking fō... (Looking fō... )


A whispered prayer in the faint morning mist
I trace the distorted scenery with you
Seeking "truth", saying "I don't care if it's a lie
As if we could see through each other, she followed
Looking for beyond words
Like a falling feather
Looking for Mitsukete
more like here
Looking for unravel
Like a tearing cloud
Looking for Mitsukete
more like here
Comrades seeking a reason, when weaving the gap
She gently peels off the scab that won't heal
"She doesn't care if 'beautiful' is a 'lie'"
To forgive each other, follow
Looking for stretch out your hand
Like waves coming together
Looking for Mitsukete
more like here
Looking for light up
Like the wandering moon
Looking for Mitsukete
more like here
Looking for... (looking for...)
Looking for... (looking for...)
Looking for... (looking for...)
Looking for... (looking for...)

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